Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Thursday prior to Easter 3


Revelation 5:1–14—As all of our Eastertide first readings come from the book of Acts, so all of our epistle readings come from the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ to St John. In this portion of John’s vision, he wonders who is worthy to open the scroll containing the counsel of God, His plan of action. Only the Lamb, who was slain, but is alive, is worthy to do so.

In response, those surrounding the throne of God sing a song of high praise to the Lamb. The joy of the resurrection is carried out in the joy of praising the risen Christ in heaven.

Our Epistle lesson for Sunday is from a liturgical section of St. John’s Revelation. Notice the uplifting nature of the words as countless angels sing praise to Christ, the Lamb of God, who is worthy. These angels are then joined by ever creature in existence in praising Christ.

The lesson begins with the host of angels joining in the song of all creatures. This song of praise focuses on Jesus Christ and what He has done. The praise given to the Lamb in this Epistle makes clear that in the midst of troubles the Lamb is in control and that all creatures must eventually acknowledge Him to be Redeemer and Lord. The song of praise climaxes by ascribing might and glory to the LORD alone; all who sing His praise fall down in silent adoration.

Prayer of praise and supplication: Lord God, creator of heaven and earth, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we praise You for the abundant mercy that You this day so richly have provided for us, blessing us not only with daily bread for our bodies but also with heavenly food for our souls. Grant that Your living and powerful Word may abide in our hearts, working mightily in us to Your glory and for our salvation. We commit ourselves to Your divine protection and fatherly care. Let Your holy angels be with us that the evil foe may have no power over us. Look in mercy on Your Church and deliver it from all danger and adversities. By Your Holy Spirit comfort and strengthen all who are in affliction or distress, and grant Your abiding peace to us all; through Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen.[2] -28 April, 2022

[1] Te Deum, copyright © Ed Riojas, Higher Things

[2] Collect of Praise and Supplication, Lutheran Service Book © 2006 Concordia Publishing House

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