Thursday, April 28, 2022

Friday prior to Easter 3


John 21:1–14—This is the third appearance of the risen Christ to His disciples. The setting is simple, normal—Jesus appears amidst the everyday occupations of a fisherman. He performs a miracle, in which they recognize Him as the Lord. Once again, Jesus shows that He is concerned for us in our everyday lives. Peter is so overjoyed when He recognizes Jesus that he immediately swims to shore. The disciples eat breakfast with Jesus, the account once again proving the bodily resurrection of our Lord, as ghosts do not eat food. Truly there is joy for the disciples in meeting the risen Christ.

Under the theme “The Joy of the Resurrection” we find the joy of meeting the risen Christ.

The Gospel lesson selected from the last chapter of Jesus’ life in John’s Gospel tells the story of Jesus’ appearing to His disciples by the Sea of Tiberias. Notice that Jesus sudden appearance on the shore is accepted reality. The disciples did not have to ask who was beckoning them.”They knew it was the LORD.”

The disciples were waiting together. They know that something is soon to happen, but what should they be doing in the meantime? Going fishing is natural and well accepted. We Christians are in a position of waiting; waiting for the LORD to return in glory and to end our worries and trials on earth and to take us to our true home in heaven. But what to do in the meantime?

We can come up with our own ideas to try to fill our lives, and we can convince ourselves that they are good and acceptable ideas. But who successful can they be if the LORD Jesus is not included? How can we keep from letting our selfish nature control our lives and stop or at least hinder our labors in God’s kingdom if Jesus is not present?  We will have just as much success in our spiritual labors as Peter and the others had in fishing.

 But the risen Savior appeared and directs the activity of the disciples. By His almighty power they were given success. The powerful presence did not this time instill fear in Peter, but rather gave him great joy and energy. We need not fear His presence, for He has cleansed us from sin and guilty. He has risen victorious from the grave. His living presence inspires us and equips us for our labors. With Him in our lives we will have a great catch.

Prayer of adoration, praise, and supplication: Almighty and eternal God, we adore You as the God and Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus, and with the whole Church on earth and all the hosts of heaven we ascribe to You honor and blessing, thanksgiving and praise. Holy, holy, holy are You, Lord God Almighty; heaven and earth are full of Your glory. You created us in Your own image and redeemed us with the precious blood of Your Son. By Your Spirit You sanctified us and called us out of darkness into Your marvelous light.[2] – 29 April 2022

[1] Jesus Appears to His Disciples by the Sea, Schnorr Von Carolsfeld woodcuts  copyright © WELS for personal and congregational use

[2] Collect for Adoration and Praise, Lutheran Service Book © 2006 Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis

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