Monday, March 28, 2022

Tuesday prior to Lent 5


Psalm 126; key verse, verse 3:  The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. Psalm 126 is a song of joy for restoration to Zion. If not composed for those who returned from Babylonian exile, the place of exiles is not named; it surely served to voice the joy of the restored community. The psalm divides into two stanzas of four Hebrew lines each with their initial lines sharing a common theme. Thematic unity is further served by repetition and other key words.

Psalm 126 – Amazed at God’s Work

This psalm is titled A Song of Ascents. It is the seventh in the series of 15 songs for pilgrims coming to Jerusalem. This song likely was composed after the exile, in wondrous gratitude for God’s restoration, and in prayer for a furtherance of that work.

The LORD has done great things for them: The sense of joyful amazement was not confined to the people of God. On looking nations had to proclaim that the work belonged to Yahweh, and that the work was truly great.

The liberty now granted was brought about in such an extraordinary way, that the very heathens saw that the hand of the great Jehovah must have been in it.”

These foreigners were no dreamers; though they were only lookers-on, and not partakers in the surprising mercy, they plainly saw what had been done, and rightly ascribed it to the great Giver of all good.”

The LORD has done great things for us: The singer heard what the nations said, agreed with it, emphasized it with repetition, and personalized it. It became the declaration of what God had done for us.

Their [reluctant] acknowledgment is caught up triumphantly by the singer. He, as it were, thanks the Gentiles for teaching him that word.”

One commentator suggested four occasions where many experience great joy and the sense that God has done great things in their Christian life:

· The joy of salvation.
· The joy of spiritual victory.
· The joy of Christian fellowship.
· The joy of a new work for God.

And we are glad: There is a joyful peace in the declaration. This is not a worked-up, hyped-up enthusiasm. This was the confident joy in what God had done, simply to declare we are glad.[1]

Collect for Psalm 126: Lord Jesus, our life and our resurrection, the ears you sowed in the sorrow of your Passion brought the earth to flower on Easter morning. Renew the wonders of your power in the Church, so that, after the sorrows of our exile, we may come home to you in gladness and praise you now and forever.[2]   29 March, 2022

[2] Collect for Psalm 126, For All the Saints, a Prayer Book For and By the Church, Vol. I © 1994 The American Lutheran Publicity Bureau, Delhi, NY

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