Friday, June 3, 2022

Saturday prior to Pentecost


Luke 11:13; 1 Corinthians 12:13 The Hymn of the Day is “Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord”(LSB #497). This majestic hymn was written by Martin Luther, 1483-1546 and was no doubt written as a children’s hymn so that his students could memorize and understand the 3rd Article of the Apostles’ Creed. The chief teaching of the Christian faith - the doctrine of salvation by faith rather than works is clearly delineated throughout the course of this great hymn. Sing it confidently and boldly. The Holy Spirit has brought you to faith He will continue to keep you in the one true faith.

The Hymn of the Day for Pentecost is “Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord,” LSB 497. The hymn is under copyright, so please read the hymn from your hymnal. The text picks up on the idea from Joel 2:28–32 (which Peter cites in the New Testament lesson) that the Holy Spirit is poured out when it refers to God’s graces being poured out in stanza one. The metaphor implies that the Holy Spirit is a liquid and we are the containers that receive it. In John 7:37–38, Jesus says that the Spirit quenches thirst, and perhaps citing Isaiah 58:11, that anyone who drinks will overflow with rivers of living water. Thus we can understand the metaphor to say that the Spirit of God is limitless. It doesn’t just fill us up once and slowly drain out or get used up, but it is an overflowing life-giving river. You might say that the grace which is poured into us, overflows to those around us. As hoped for by Moses, God’s spirit is not just on the seventy-two elders or the twelve apostles. It overflows from them to everyone who believes in Christ.

The hymn text shifts, in the later part of stanza one, to one of the Holy Spirit being light. This light is not only something that shines on our path to guide us, but it is a light of knowledge and truth. Light teaches us the ways of God. This is the light that David is seeking in Psalm 25 when he asks for the Lord to lead him and teach him. The light of the Holy Spirit gives us faith and keeps us in Christ. In the last stanza of the hymn, the image shifts to those tongues of fire from Acts. The Holy Spirit is called “holy Fire.” In this metaphor, fire not only provides light, but provides heat. The heat of the “holy Fire” provides comfort as we do the Lord’s work and endure trials. The power of the “holy Fire” prepares us and gives strength where we are weak. God’s light and fire lead us in this life, through death, and into new life with our ascended Lord in the new creation.[2]

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