Monday, March 25, 2019

Monday of Lent 3

Monday of Lent 3 – March 25, 2019 – Psalm 95:6

Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!
Psalm 95:1-9key verse, verse 6—Come, let us bow down in worship let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. These words we pray in the liturgy when we sing the Venite in the order of Matins. This we do when Paul encourages us to worship the Lord with Psalms, songs, and spiritual songs. The exhortation to submit to the Lord with obedient hearts and bent knee is not enough. For a New Testament reflection on these verses in light of the coming of Christ, see Hebrews 3:7-4:13.
Collect for Psalm 95: Almighty God, neither let us go astray as did those who murmured in the desert, not let us be torn apart by discord. With Jesus as our Shepherd, bring us to enjoy the unity for which He prays; and to You be the glory and the praise now and forever.[1]
Look upon the heart-felt desires of Your humble servants, Almighty God, and stretch forth the right hand of Your majesty to be our defense against all our enemies; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen[2]
On the church calendar today - The Annunciation of our Lord – 9 months until Christmas

Today we remember that Christ entered time and space to be our Savior as each of us, come from one cell. We confess this truth in the words of the Creed with the simple words, “I believe…He was conceived by the Holy Spirit.” For us, and our salvation, Jesus came down from heaven. He was Incarnate (made flesh) to do His Father’s will.

O Lord, as we have known the incarnation of Your Son Jesus Christ, by the message of the angel to the Virgin Mary, so by the message of His cross and passion bring us to the glory of His resurrection; through Jesus Christ our Lord.[3]

[1] Collect for Psalm 95 © Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis
[3] Collect for the Annunciation of our Lord © 2006 Concordia Publishing, St, Louis

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