Monday, June 10, 2024

St. Barnabas, Apostle (June 11)

 Isaiah 42:5–12
Acts 11:19–30; 13:1–3
Mark 6:7–13

St. Barnabas, Apostle

Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus, received the name Barnabas from the apostles (Acts 4:36–37). He was sent to Antioch to see the grace of God among the Hellenists, exhorting them all to remain faithful to the Lord (11:22–24). There, through His Church, the Holy Spirit “set apart Barnabas and Paul for the work to which He had called them” (Acts 13:2). Just as Christ had sent out the twelve to proclaim repentance and cast out demons and heal the sick (Mark 6:7–13), so He now sent Paul and Barnabas to proclaim repentance and healing among the Gentiles. Still, this Word is not always received (Acts 13:44–52). Even within the Church divisions threaten it. Barnabas knew this. He was at the Jerusalem council to see that the Gospel was preserved without mingling in the Law (15:2–4), and he parted ways with Paul over the usefulness of John Mark (15:36–41). Despite all these trials, St. Barnabas remained full of faith so the Gentiles could give glory to the Lord and declare His praise in the coastlands (Isa. 42:12). Thus, by the Lord’s calling and Spirit (v. 5–7), Barnabas lived up to his new name: “Son of Encouragement” (4:36).

Luther's Seal copyright Ed Riojas, Higher Things

Lectionary Summary copyright LCMS commission on worship 

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