Sunday, June 2, 2024

Monday prior to Proper 5


Jesus Has Defeated the Devil and Released Us from the Bondage of Sin and Death

The devil deceived us, enticing us to disregard and disobey the Word of God and driving us to hide “from the presence of the Lord God.” But the Lord, in His mercy, promised a Savior, who would set Himself against the devil on our behalf (Genesis 3:8–15). The Son of Man came, the incarnate Son of God, conceived and born of the woman. He “first binds the strong man,” Satan, by atoning for the sins of the world, thereby removing the condemnation of the Law and the fear of death (Mark 3:27). Now He plunders the devil’s house by calling all men to repent. 

Though He appears to be “out of his mind” (Mark 3:21), He fulfills the will of God and makes of us His own brothers and sisters. Therefore, “we do not lose heart,” despite the suffering, sin and death that we experience in this fallen world. “He who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus.” By His grace, we are “being renewed day by day.” For the Gospel is daily bringing us into His presence, not for punishment, but for “an eternal weight of glory.” (2 Corinthians 4:14–17).

The antiphon for Sunday’s Introit Psalm 8:7-9; is a cry for the Lord’s intervention in our lives. The Antiphon, Psalm 28:2 reads— “Hear my cry for mercy as I call to You for help, as I lift up my hands, toward Your Most Holy Place.” The Most Holy Place was the inner sanctuary of the temple, where the ark of the covenant stood. It was God’s throne room on earth. David desired the Lord’s presence. In worship, God comes to us through His Word and in His meal to strengthen, comfort, and support us.   

Collect for Psalm 8: Almighty Lord, amid the grandeur of your creation you sought us out, and by the coming of your Son you adorned us with glory and honor, raising us in him above the heavens. Enable us so to care to the earth that all creation may radiate the splendor of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord

Lectionary Summary copyright LCMS commission on worship

Collect for Psalm 8, For All the Saints, A Prayer Book For and By the Church, Vol. I © 1995 The American Lutheran Publicity Bureau, Delhi NY

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