Thursday, June 27, 2024

Friday prior to Proper 8

Mark 5:21–43—Jesus demonstrates His great love for those suffering from some of the consequences of the Fall, sickness and death. Out of compassion, he agrees to go to the home of Jairus, whose daughter is near death. On the way, he is sought out by a woman with an issue of blood. Tenderly, He tells her, ‘Daughter, your faith has made you well.’ At Jairus’ house, He is met with the news that the little girl is dead. Christ Jesus, who will conquer death on the cross, raises her from the dead, showing His power over death and beginning the work of the restoration of creation. This compassion and mercy flows from the great love God has for us.

Jesus had just gotten out of the boat after crossing the lake. Soon a crowd gathered around Jesus. One of them was Jairus, leader of the local synagogue. “Seeing him,” Jairus pleaded for his daughter’s recovery. In a crowd, whom do you see? What do you see in Jesus if you see him? Unlike the scribes and Pharisees, Jairus did not see in Jesus as one who was out of his mind or in league with the devil. Jairus saw a man of compassion and power. He saw in Jesus one who could help him by healing his daughter. 

Jesus takes the girl by the hand and says, ‘I say to you, arise.’ The dead hear his voice and obey! Here is an instance demonstrating the authority and power of Jesus’ word. What he says happens! Who but God can with a word bring life out of death? It is not wonder Jesus ordered his disciples and Jairus to tell no one of the miracle. He did not want people to see or accept him as Messiah on the basis of miracles. The revelation of his identity was to come on the cross1

A Prayer for one near death: Eternal Father, You alone make the decisions concerning life and death. We ask You to show mercy to Your servant [name], whose death seems imminent. If it be Your gracious will, restore [him/her] and lengthen [his/her] earthly life; but if not, keep [him/her] in [his/her] baptismal grace and in Your abiding care. Give [him/her] a repentant heart, firm faith, and a lively hope. Let not the fear of death cause [him/her] to waver in confidence and trust. At Your chosen time, grant [him/her] a peaceful departure and a joyous entrance into everlasting life with the glorious company of all Your saints; through Jesus Christ, our Savior. 2

 Luther’s Seal copyright © Ed Riojas, Higher Things
1. Lectionary Preaching Workbook Series B, John Brokhoff © 1981 CSS Publishing, Lima, OH
2. A Prayer for Someone near death, Lutheran Service Book © 2006 Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis

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