Sunday, June 16, 2024

Monday prior to Proper 7


Psalm 107:29–32; Antiphon, Psalm 107:28—This psalm recounts many of the things that the LORD has done for His people, and exhorts them to praise Him for them. In the section appointed for Sunday’s Introit, the LORD is given praise for manifesting His might by delivering His people from the storms of nature. This sets the theme for the day, where all the readings point to the authority of the Creator over His creation, and His continuing governance.

As we prepare for this coming Sunday we will see that The Word of Christ Bestows Peace on His Creation through His Forgiveness of Sins.

In his anguish and affliction, Job must be reminded that, as a finite creature, he is in no position to question the Maker of the heavens and the earth. Job’s “words without knowledge” are unable to penetrate the wisdom of the Lord (Job 38:1–2). For the Lord has “prescribed limits” and “set bars and doors,” so that “here shall your proud waves be stayed” (Job 38:9–11).That’s how He humbles us unto repentance. But also by His powerful Word He calms the “great windstorm” and the waves “breaking into the boat.” He does not permit the chaos of this fallen world to overwhelm us or bring us to despair. By the Word of His Gospel, He speaks “Peace” to us, which bestows the “great calm” of His New Creation (Mark 4:37–39). Therefore, do not be afraid, and do not receive this grace of God in vain. “Now is the favorable time,” and “now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:1–2). 1

Collect for Psalm 107: Lord God, you fill the hungry with good things and break the sinner’s chains. Hear your people who call to you in their need and lead your Church from the shadows of death. Gather us from sunset to sunrise, that we may grow together in faith and love and may give thanks for your kindness in Jesus Christ our Lord. 2

Schnorr Von Carolsfeld woodcuts “Jesus asleep in the ship” copyright © WELS for personal and congregational use
1. Lectionary summary from the LCMS Commission on Worship
2. Collect for Psalm 107, For All the Saints, A Prayer Book For and By the Church, The American Lutheran Publicity Bureau, © 1996 Delhi, NY

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