Sunday, June 23, 2024

Monday prior to Proper 8


Psalm 121:5–8; Antiphon, Psalm 121:1–2—Like yesterday’s Psalm of the Day (Psalm 124), this is a Song of Ascents, that pilgrims sang on their way up to Jerusalem. On the journey, they had to go through mountains, or hills. To whom do they—and we—look to keep them safe, not just on the way to Jerusalem, but throughout life? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth…The Lord will keep you from all evil; He will keep your life . . . The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore.

The Lord Jesus Is Faithful, and in Mercy He Raises You Up from Death to Life

The Lord is faithful. His steadfast love never ceases, and “His mercies never come to an end” (Lamentations 3:22–23). To keep in repentance and to make our faith grow, He causes grief for a while, but He does not cast off forever; in due time, “He will have compassion” (Lamentations 3:31–33). Therefore, “hope in Him,” and “wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord,” for “the Lord is good to those who wait for Him” (Lamentations 3:24–26)

That is what the woman did “who had a discharge of blood,” and the ruler whose daughter “was at the point of death.” Each waited on the mercy of the Lord Jesus, and each received His saving help (Mark 5:21–28). The woman had suffered much for twelve years, and the ruler’s daughter had already died before Jesus arrived. Yet, at the right time, the woman was immediately “healed of her disease,” and the little girl “got up and began walking around” (Mark 5:29, 42). Such is “the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,” who humbled Himself, unto the extreme poverty of death, “so that you by His poverty might become rich,” unto life everlasting (2 Corinthians 8:9). 1

Collect for Psalm 121: Lord Jesus, give us the peace of the new Jerusalem. Bring all nations into your kingdom to share your gifts, that they may render thanks to you without end and may come to your eternal city, where you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. 2

Luther’s Seal copyright © Ed Riojas, Higher Things
1. Lectionary notes © LCMS Commission on Worship
2. Collect for Psalm 212, For All the Saints, A Prayer Book For and By the Church © 1996 The American Lutheran Publicity Bureau, Delhi, NY

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