26:8–15— Be faithful to God in spite of your enemies
The prophet Jeremiah had spoken what the Lord had told
him to speak: that, unless they repented, they would be destroyed (Jeremiah
26:1–6). The wicked citizens and leaders of Judah, however, failed to heed the
Lord’s message. More than that, they threatened Jeremiah with death. In the
face of persecution and death, Jeremiah remained resolute: in truth the Lord
sent me to you to speak all these words in your ears. What can we learn from
faithful Jeremiah? Be faithful to God in spite of your enemies.
Jeremiah had been told to prophesy the destruction of
Jerusalem. His words are received with hostility and the people indicate that
he deserves to die. But Jeremiah speaks up again, this time telling them that
if they repent, God will not destroy them as He had promised. Jeremiah,
fortunately, convinces the people that he is speaking for the LORD. The people
reverse their decision and determine that he deserves to live.
Prayer in times of affliction and distress, Lutheran Service Book © 2006
Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis
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