Monday, March 24, 2025

Tuesday prior to Lent 4


Psalm 32; key verse, verse 11- Rejoice in the Lord and be glad you righteous; sing, all you who are upright in heart. This psalm is a grateful testimony of joy from God’s gift of forgiveness toward those who with integrity confess their sins and are receptive to God’s rule in their lives. It is a fitting psalm to be used in this Lenten season. As you pray this psalm, reflect on all Christ has done to win for you salvation and life.

Psalm 32 – The Blessings of Protection, Forgiveness and Guidance

This psalm is simply titled A Psalm of David. A Contemplation. According to James Montgomery Boice, the Hebrew word for Contemplation (maskil) might be better understood as “instruction.” This is the first of twelve psalms with this title. It is full of instruction and contemplation, and it is worthy of meditation, as indicated by the frequent repetition of Selah, three times in only eleven verses.

The psalm itself does not tell us the specific occasion in David’s life which prompted this song. In Psalm 51 – which was clearly written after David’s sin with Bathsheba and against Uriah – David promised to “teach transgressors Your ways” (Psalm 51:13), and this psalm may be the fulfillment of that vow. John Trapp said that Psalm 32 and 51 are “tuned together.”

It is a Psalm of penitence, but it is also the song of a ransomed soul rejoicing in the wonders of the grace of God. Sin is dealt with; sorrow is comforted; ignorance is instructed.”

This was Saint Augustine’s favorite psalm. Augustine had it inscribed on the wall next to his bed before he died in order to meditate on it better.”

Be glad in the Lord and rejoice: This psalm gives repeated and compelling reasons for the believer to be glad, to rejoice, to shout for joy. The psalm appropriately ends with a call for God’s people to remember and respond to those reasons.

· Remember the blessedness of forgiveness.

· Remember the redemption from guilt.

· Remember the release from the hypocrisy and stress of double-living.

· Remember the protection God gives His people.

· Remember the guidance of the LORD.[1]

Collect for Psalm 32Lord God, you desired to keep from us your wrath and so did not spare your holy servant Jesus Christ, who was wounded for our sins. We are your prodigal children, but we come back to you confessing our sins. Embrace us, that we may rejoice in your mercy together with your beloved Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. [2]

[2] Collect for Psalm 32, For All the Saints, A Prayer Book For and By the Church, Vol. I © 1994 The American Lutheran Publicity Bureau, Delhi, NY

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