4:1–13—What arrogance! The devil
tries to tempt the Son of God! As in the Garden of Eden, when he tempted the
first humans into following him in sinning against God, he quotes the Word of
God. But the One whom he tries to deceive this time is not just a man; He is
also God Almighty Himself, the Word made flesh. Jesus knows how the devil likes
to twist God’s Word for his own nefarious purposes, and overcomes all the
devils schemes and cunning. Jesus does what we are unable to do, on our behalf.
He defeats the devil in the test in the wilderness, and will later defeat him
completely at the cross.
There are three temptations.
The fist is to
doubt the goodness of God.
Temptation comes
to the Savior in His hunger after His 40 day fast.
Temptation comes
to us in periods of testing; pain, family problems, bereavement. We might ask,
“Why isn’t God doing something about this?”
The Second is a
temptation to the glitter of this world.
For Jesus there
is a price; “Worship me, (and) it shall be yours!” v.7
There is a price
also for us; a sacrifice of principle, eyes taken from eternal truth.
The third urges
presumptuous behavior; tempting God.
Satan asks Jesus
to jump from the temple.
B. Satan says to us, “There is no danger. Skip the medicine; join the crowd. You don’t need church every Sunday. After all, you are a child of God.”
All three temptations failed.
This is for your
We have often
lost battles with the devil; we have succumbed.
Jesus overcame
him for you. (See Romans 5:18-19)
This is for your
Jesus uses
Scripture to overcome Satan.
B. We can in His power do the same. Prayer? Yes! Meditation? Yes! But above all, THE WORD!
Prayer for steadfast faith: Almighty God, our heavenly Father, because of Your tender love toward us sinners You have given us Your Son that, believing in Him, we might have everlasting life. Continue to grant us Your Holy Spirit that we may remain steadfast in this faith to the end and finally come to life everlasting; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. [2]
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