Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Thursday prior to Lent 4


Ephesians 2:1-10—Sight of the exalted Christ reveals the riches of God’s grace. Our lesson teaches that salvation is a gift of God’s grace received by faith.

This passage is justly famous among Lutherans, for it clearly shows that our salvation is in no way dependent upon our works, but solely upon the incomparable riches of God’s grace. What a turnabout!

We, who were dead in our transgressions, have been made alive in Christ! Even more, we have been seated with Christ in the heavenly realms.

Salvation is a gift of God’s grace received by faith. This passage of scripture deals with the grace of God, which come to us at a time when we were dead in sin. The Christian is united with the risen, triumphant Christ whose Father shows him the riches of his grace in Christ. Grace is what saves us and it is received by faith apart from works. Yet, we were created in Christ to do good works. These works were created by the LORD himself for his purposes.

Repeatedly, the Apostle Paul mentions grace as the source of our oneness with God. It refers to the mercy of God in sending and sacrificing his son for a disobedient people. Grace is love of a special kind. It is the love expressed in mercy for those antagonistic to God and disobedient to his laws. It is a love give to those who do not deserve it. It is all summed up in verse 8-9 which reads; For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast.  

Collect for the Fourth Sunday in LentAlmighty God, our heavenly Father, whose mercies are new unto us every morning, and who, though we have in no wise deserved Thy goodness, dost abundantly provide for all our wants of body and soul, give us, we pray Thee, Thy Holy Spirit that we may heartily acknowledge Thy merciful goodness toward us, give thanks for all Thy benefits, and serve Thee in willing obedience; through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with Thee and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.[1] -11 March 2021

[1] Collect for the Fourth Sunday in Lent, Lutheran Service Book © 2006 Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis

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