When Judas received the 30 pieces of silver that he would betray Jesus with, he thought he was doing the right thing. Then he realized he had made a grave mistake. What would you have done if you were in Judas’ shoes? Would you have betrayed Jesus just for money?
Like that very night, people today think about money all the time. They think they need money in their pocket everyday. They think they need more money than their friends and if they don’t have it they think it is the end of the world! When you think you need more money than your friends don’t go and do something stupid to try to get more. If you were in Judas’ position would you have betrayed Jesus’ life for money? The love of money is the root of all evil. The love of money is a horrible thing. The love of money can control your life. Don’t let it! Be thankful for what you have.
Lord, Thank You for watching over us daily. When we feel the urge to have money control our lives help us to remember Judas and his horrible lust for more. Help us also remember that You provide us with everything we need. In Your Name we pray, O Lord.
-Brett Hormann
Like that very night, people today think about money all the time. They think they need money in their pocket everyday. They think they need more money than their friends and if they don’t have it they think it is the end of the world! When you think you need more money than your friends don’t go and do something stupid to try to get more. If you were in Judas’ position would you have betrayed Jesus’ life for money? The love of money is the root of all evil. The love of money is a horrible thing. The love of money can control your life. Don’t let it! Be thankful for what you have.
Lord, Thank You for watching over us daily. When we feel the urge to have money control our lives help us to remember Judas and his horrible lust for more. Help us also remember that You provide us with everything we need. In Your Name we pray, O Lord.
-Brett Hormann
Schnorr von Carolsfeld, woodcuts © WELS Permission to use these copyrighted items is limited to personal and congregational use.
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