Christian finds his purpose in the body of Christ. By the Spirit Christians are
members of one body. The unity of the church is the unity of Christ. We are one
in Christ, as members of the body of Christ. Regardless of our differences,
Jews, Greeks, bond, or free, we are all one. Last names cease when we enter the
church door. We are one in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Paul will remind us in verse 13, “For by one Spirit we were baptized into one body – and all were made to
drink of one Spirit.” The church is not a human institution held together
by its leaders and members’ contributions. If that were the case, the church
would have died long ago. The Spirit calls, gathers, enlightens, sanctifies,
and preserves the church from age to age.
Whereas the emphasis in 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 is on
the individual and the diversity of spiritual gifts that God bestows on “each
one” (Vv. 7,11) this lesson which incorporates most of the remainder of chapter
12, is Paul’s instruction about the unity of these varied individual gifts in
the body of Christ. This body, the church in its broadest sense, is to be well
organized and smooth running. Paul illustrates this by the analogy of the human
body. Individual members are to use their divinely ordained and bestowed firs
so that the body may function as intended.
Our spiritual gifts, no matter what they may be are
valuable. They find value only as they are used in concert with the whole body
of Christ.
Many today seem to want to be or dreams about being the proverbial quarterback. We like the glory of being able to stand out. But as any employer or coach will tell us, it is the multitude of people doing their tasks well behind the scenes that make success possible. Thus we look to Christ who works through His people the church to do these things as outline in our lesson for today.
A prayer for steadfast faith –Almighty God, our heavenly Father, of Your tender love towards us sinners You have given us Your Son that, believing in Him, we might have everlasting life. Continue to grant us Your Holy Spirit that we may remain steadfast in this faith to the end and come to life everlasting. [2]
[1] Schnorr
Von Carolsfeld woodcuts “Ezra Reads the Torah” copyright © WELS permission
granted for personal and congregational use
Collect for steadfast faith, Lutheran Service Book © 2006 Concordia Publishing
House, St. Louis
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