Monday, May 20, 2024

Tuesday prior to Trinity Sunday


Psalm 29—This psalm is a hymn of praise to the LORD for all His mighty acts, but especially His mercy in blessing His people with peace. When created, man was in perfect harmony with God. But the fall made us His enemies. We cannot restore peace with God; it is the work of the Holy Trinity alone: the Father, who conceived the plan of our salvation, the Son, who came to earth and died for our transgressions, and the Holy Spirit, who brings us into a right relationship with God through the Means of Grace, Word and Sacrament.

David speaks to the mighty ones of this earth, and warns them to look away from themselves and unto the LORD God of Israel. Though they may consider themselves to be mighty ones, and be so considered by others, they still should recognize their obligation to the LORD God.

This psalm is notable in its emphasis on the name, “The LORD” (Yahweh), using it some 18 times in these 11 verses. This is the name taken by the covenant God of Israel, rendered by the Jews with the replacement word LORD out of reverence to the holy name.

As God says in Isaiah 42:8: I am the LORD, that is My name. It is perhaps best to think of Yahweh as representing the Triune God. We may say it this way:

There is one God, Creator of all and the covenant God of Israel – His name is Yahweh. There are three persons who claim to be Yahweh: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In some way, therefore, there is One God in Three Persons. 1

Collect for Psalm 29: Lord our King, your voice sounds over the waters as you reign above the flood, Help us, who are born again by water and the Holy Spirit, to praise your wonderful deeds in your holy temple; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 2

Image of the Trinity copyright © Ed Riojas, Higher Things 
2  Collect for Psalm 29, For All the Saints, A Prayer book for and by the Church, © 1995 The American Lutheran Publicity Bureau, Delhi, NY

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