Friday, May 10, 2024

Saturday prior to Easter 7


Luke 12:32, Matthew 25:34; Psalm 103:3-5; Matthew 28:20b – The hymn of the Day is “Have no fear, little flock”– {LSB 735} As the Easter season draws to a close, we have no fear as our  Lord and Savior lives and reigns through all eternity. He has promised to send us His Holy Spirit. Thus this new hymn reminds us that we are safe in His almighty hand.

The person who wrote those words was Marjorie Jillson. She had multiple health issues, including a severe heart condition. She had endured deep struggles of health and faith in her life. I did not know where she lived, but I had a sense of connection with her because of her own vulnerability. She, of all people, knew fear and pain, and probably experienced loneliness as a result of her own condition. Instead of praise, she could have fallen into response of anger toward God, and it would have been understandable. Instead she expresses faith and thankfulness to God.

Thankful hearts raise to God; thankful hearts raise to God,
 for he stays close beside you, in all things works with you;
thankful hearts raise to God.

This one whose heart is severely damaged, speaks of hearts that are thankful to God for being present with her in the midst and through the dangerous condition and procedures she faced in life. The Good Shepherd “stays close beside you, in all things works with you.”

Each of us may be facing Marjorie Jillson-type challenges in our lives, and God’s good news for us is that in the face of our fears and doubts, God does not abandon us. The second verse of the hymn says, “for the Father will keep you in his love forever.” May this promise give you hope today. 

Collect for the Seventh Sunday in Easter O King of glory, Lord of hosts, uplifted in triumph far above all heavens, leave us not without consolation but send us the Spirit of truth whom You promised from the Father, for You live and reigns with Him and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. 


Image of the Ascension of Christ by Salvador Dail, copyright © Google images 


2. Collect for Easter 7, Lutheran Service Book © 2006 Concordia Publishing House, St, Louis

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