Friday, May 31, 2024

Saturday prior to Proper 4 - Series B


Sunday’s hymn of the day, O Day of Rest and Gladness (LSB 906) The Sabbath day has always been set aside as a day of rest. Unfortunately, many people seek that rest from Church as well to chase after recreation. But God established the Sabbath day for His people to gather together to hear His Word. Whether it was the Tabernacle in the wilderness, the Temple in Jerusalem, the local synagogue or in the home, God commands His Word to be heard.

In this hymn, we bring this commandment to mind. We declare that we have gathered together as a congregation to hear God’s Word so that He might shed light on our pilgrim way. Tomorrow come to worship in anticipation of receiving the gifts that our heavenly father has promised to offer. 

Collect for Proper 4: Eternal God, Your Son Jesus Christ is the true Sabbath rest. Help us keep each day holy by receiving His Word of comfort that we may find our rest in Him, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen

Prayers from Lutheran Service Book © 2006 Concordia Publishing House.

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