Saturday, September 24, 2022

16th Sunday after Pentecost – Proper 21 Series C


Luke 16:19-31
Chooses, but choose wisely

Grant, O LORD, that as Your Son Jesus prayed for His enemies on the cross, so we may have grace to forgive those who wrongfully and scornfully use us, that we ourselves may be able to receive Your forgiveness; through Jesus Christ our LORD[1]

Choose! But choose wisely. In this exchange between the rich man and Father Abraham, the rich man speaks twice. Abraham only once. This morning we dissect the dialogue as timeless truths are told. The rich man speaks.

1.    If I had only known!”

A.   The human dilemma – people are ignorant of the “big picture.”

1.    They are distracted with their own issues, plans and agendas. These distractions keep their minds off the most important issue looming in front of them – eternity. 

2.    The rich man had been warned.  He simply refused to listen. Scripture reminds us; “Faith comes by hearing and hearing from the word of Christ.” –Romans 10:17

B.    The rich man experienced a terrible plight after the day of change. 

1.    Lazarus is given a name; which literally means “He whom God helps.” He received mercy, grace, clemency. 

2.    The rich man begs for what he did not give; mercy, care, relief from suffering.

He cried, “Kyrie;” ‘LORD have mercy,’ but did not receive it. He still thinks Lazarus is there to serve him.

C.    Worldly wealthy failed, showing the need for a better, more lasting basis of hope.

1.    The rich man’s neglect of Lazarus signals his failure to ‘make friends for himself when the day of changed circumstances comes’ and worldly wealth shall fail from last week’s Gospel. 

2.    The scriptures only speak of the rich negatively those who worship their goods regardless of the quantity of their goods. Neither poverty nor riches are virtues. Your best life now is the way of American Christianity but not Scriptural. 

Transition: The rich man continues his discourse.

2.    Someone’s got to tell them!”

A.   The rich man sees people like him heading for the same fate.

1.    This is more than karma. It is the great reversal. Spoken by Elizabeth in the Magnificat. 

2.    The written word of God; the law and the prophets, are all we have. There is no other source. There is nothing more to go on. The writings are not meant to be excluded.

B.    His suggestions are unoriginal and unacceptable.

1.    It is unoriginal. Many have suggested another way for man to receive revelation from God.  The LORD Jesus in His Revelation to the apostle John writes, 

 “And I saw in the right hand of Him who sat on the throne a scroll written inside and on the back, sealed with seven seals.” – Revelation 5:1 The LORD has a book in which the history of the universe is already written. He has written the history of the world in advance, He holds in His hand the history of the world in advance, and He initiates the consummation of all history. Only the LORD Jesus can hold this scroll.

2.    It is unacceptable. “If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.”

Transition: Now it is time for Father Abraham to speak.

3.    Now hear this!”

A.   God’s Word is special revelation. 

1.    It is only through hearing the message of the gospel, shared from the Word of God that you can come to saving faith. Romans 10:17 teaches: “Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” 

2.    The Bible teaches that every word of Scripture is “inspired by God”—the actual breath of God, even though it was written by human authors as well. Second Timothy 3:16 teaches: “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” “God-breathed” can be translated “inspired by God”.

B.    His Word abides when all else fails. It is eternal. 

1.    The Word of the Lord endures forever. -1Peter 1:25 God’s word will sustain you through many dark and difficult times. It remains your light, compass, strength, hope and joy. Through times of sickness, loss of loved ones, financial hardship, and heartbreak, the word of God remains your anchor in the storm. 

2.     Even though the grass withers and the flowers fall, the word of our God endures forever. Life is fragile, the things of this world are temporary, and perishable, but the word of God will last forever.

C.    His Word reveals His plan for eternity.

1.    He warns of judgement to produce repentance. 

2.     His promise of salvation creates saving faith.

Jesus’ words do not express a new idea, “Send someone back from the dead.” God’s Word is now available. It calls us to faith. It will not fail. It is Christ’s testimony to the judgment and salvation that He will work.

Words – 800
Passive Sentences – 5%
Readability – 73.7%
Reading Level –5.4

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