Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Thursday prior to Easter 7


Revelation 22:1-6, 12-20—Jesus is now in glory with the Father. So what? What does the Ascension mean for daily life here and now? Like the disciples, we are content to gaze into heaven? As the two men brought the disciples back to reality, we need to get to the business of life. According to this coming week’s epistle we have hope for Christ’s’ return to earth. The church prays for His coming soon that through His coming there may be a new heaven and a new earth. Our ascended Lord has promised to return on the last great day. When will that happen? When the last pagan is converted. Thus we are always mission minded. May the Lord continue to send us men like FCD Wyneken who championed the gospel of Christ.

A Daytime Collect for Eastertide - Almighty God the Father, through Your only-begotten Son Jesus Christ You have overcome death and opened the gate of everlasting life to us. Grant that we, who celebrate with joy the day of our Lord’s resurrection, may be raised from the death of sin by Your life-giving Spirit.

An Evening Collect for EastertideAbide with us, Lord, for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent. Abide with us and with Your whole Church. Abide with us in the end of the day, in the end of our life, in the end of the world. Abide with us with Your grace and goodness, with Your Holy Word and sacrament, with Your strength and blessing. Abide with us when the night of affliction and temptation comes upon us, the night of fear and despair when death shall come. Abide with us and with all the faithful through time and eternity

For Agriculture - Almighty God, You blessed the earth to make it fruitful, bringing forth in abundance whatever is needed for the support of our lives. Prosper; we implore You, the work of farmers, especially in this planting season. Grant them seasonable weather that they may gather in the fruits of the earth and thus proclaim Your goodness. May we see by this noble vocation that by Your aid we are helping to feed the world and cause all who give thanks over their food to treat those who produce it with honor and respect [2] -26 May, 2022 -

[1] The Resurrection of our Lord Schnorr von Carolsfeld, woodcuts © WELS Permission to use these copyrighted items is limited to personal and congregational use.

[2] Collect for Agriculture, Morning and Evening Collects, Lutheran Service Book © 2006 Concordia Publishing House. St. Louis

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