Sunday, August 15, 2021

Time in the Word - Proper 16

Time in the Word
Preparing for Pentecost 13 –Proper 16 
August 16-21, 2021

The True Tradition of the Church Is the Ministry of the Gospel of Christ Jesus, Her Savior

The true tradition of the Church is the Gospel, which is the preaching and administration of Christ Jesus. Other traditions, although not commanded by God, may serve and support that sacred tradition of the Gospel. But the Church dare not “[reject] the commandment of God” in order to establish or hold to “the tradition of men” (Mark 7:8–9). Sinful people attempt to draw near to the Lord “with their mouth” and to honor Him “with their lips,” while their hearts are far removed from Him (Isaiah 29:13). Yet, He is “the Holy One of Israel,” who brings about salvation by His cross. Therefore, “the wisdom of their wise men shall perish,” but “the deaf shall hear” and “the eyes of the blind shall see” (Isaiah 29:14–19). This mystery of Christ is profound, for He is the Husband of the Church, and He is her Savior. Not because of any works that she has done, but solely for the sake of His great love, He “gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word” (Ephesians 5:25–26).

Lord Jesus Christ, our support and defense in every need, continue to preserve Your Church in safety, govern her by Your goodness, and bless her with Your peace; for You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Lord of all power and might, Author and Giver of all good things, graft in our hearts the love of Your name, increase in us true religion, nourish us with all goodness, and bring forth in us the fruit of good works; through Jesus Christ Your Son, our Lord we pray. Amen.

Some thoughts concerning our worship life together …

Hearing the Word of God, the people respond with words of praise. The Gradual is a Proper. It is a portion of a psalm of other Scripture passage that provides a response after the Old Testament Reading. The Epistle lesson gives us God’s counsel on how His gracious Word is applied to the hearer and the Church. Often in this reading we hear how God’s Word accomplishes what it says-creating faith, bestowing forgiveness, strengthening God’s people in their struggles against sin, and enlivening in them the hope of eternal life. 

Monday, August 16, 2021Psalm 26 – Next week’s Introit is an appeal for God to take account of David’s moral integrity, his unwavering trust, and his genuine delight in the Lord. This is not a boast of self-righteousness, but an appeal to God. The Antiphon is taken from verse 8, “I love the house where You live, O Lord, the place where Your glory dwells.”  

Tuesday, August 17, 2021Psalm 119:129-136 – The appointed Psalm for next week is taken from the longest Psalm and it under the Hebrew letter 'Pe.' The Psalmist recalls the righteousness of God’s law and how they are a delight to follow. As we focus on the Lord and His precepts, we find direction in living. 

Wednesday, August 18 2021Isaiah 29:11–19 The visitation of the Lord will bring death and destruction to Jerusalem. Yet the Lord promises to do wonderful things with His people. God desires genuine repentance, not hypocrisy. God has accomplished wonderful things for us through the gracious visitation of His son in our human flesh. In Jesus’ death and resurrection. God has turned the world upside down and removed our shame.

Thursday, August 19, 2021Ephesians 5:22–33 For the Christian, the Gospel does not overturn the order of life, but gives it new meaning. Each human relationship is reinterpreted “in the Lord.”  Wives, children, and  servants look on their husbands, parents, and masters as representatives of the Lord and submit to them. Husbands, parents and masters likewise views the ones  entrusted to them as Christ viewed the church with self-sacrificing love. 

Friday, August 20, 2021Mark 7:1–13 - Good living comes from a believing heart. The prophet Isaiah had denounced the religious leaders of his day. Jesus uses a quotation form this prophet to describe the tradition of the elders as “rules taught by men.”

Jesus criticizes the Pharisees for being overly concerned with man-made observances while failing to fulfill God’s Commandments. Such hypocrisy still abounds, as most people worry more about human opinions that what God things. Given our  failures in this regard, it is a good thing that the Lord not only commands in His Word, but also graciously forgives and promises goodness. Thus, we ought to pray, “Lord, cleanse us each day from our sins. We thank You that Jesus was made a fragrant, sacrificial offering for us.”

Saturday, August 21, 2021Luke 17:5– This verse is the inspiration for the hymn, “Oh for a Faith that Will Not shrink”.  The disciples, feeling incapable of measuring up to the standards set forth by the Lord, cry out to Him, “Lord, increase our faith!” This is the cry of faith asking the Lord to supply us in every need. 

See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are” (1 John  3:1) Parenting begins with parents remembering that they live in God’s kingdom ruled by God’s lavished love in Christ. The Gospel is the basis for parenting, not some how-to book with a list of rules. God’s underserved love in Christ reminds parents that having a child is not a right but a blessing. Parents do not merely produce children as an industry produces a product. They are entrusted with a child as a gift from God. All parenting flows from the gift of the heavenly Father.

The Lutheran Hymnal, © 1941, Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis
Lutheran Worship, © 1982, Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis pg. 78
Lutheran Service Book © 2006 Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis  
Worshiping with Angels and Archangels – An Introduction to the Divine Service by Scot Kinnaaman© 2006 Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis pg. 20
Luther’s Seal © Ed Luther’s Seal © Ed Riojas Higher Things

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