Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Wednesday of Lent 1

DAY 7: February 24, 2021 Wednesday of Lent 1- Matthew 5:5

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” – Matthew 5:5

The meek. Who are they? They are the lowly. The humble. Meekness is an attribute of human nature and behavior. It has been defined several ways as righteous, humble, teachable, and patient under suffering, long suffering willing to follow after Christ; an attribute of a true disciple. 

The follower of Christ receives with meekness the words implanted in us by the Holy Spirit. The epistle James instructs us, “…for man’s anger does not bring about the righteousness that God desires. Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and every expression of evil, and humbly receive the word planted in you, which can save your souls.” -James 1:21 

Lent is a time of reflection. When the Word of God through the Law judges and chastens us; when it divides between soul and spirit, and joints and marrow; when it crushes and humbles us; when it takes away; when it lays us bare – then it is vital to be quiet and meek and admit that the Word of the Lord is right. The Law always convicts, hunts us down to confront us. Then, we need to keep our mouth closed instead of answering back, defending and excusing ourselves. When the Law crushes us we need to hear the message of the Gospel. 

Then, you will be led further on the way of life, the way of Christ. You shall inherit the earth.  You are the salt and light in this world. 

Blest are they, the lowly ones;
They shall inherit the earth.
Rejoice and be glad!
Blessed are you, holy are you.
Rejoice and be glad!
Yours is the kingdom of God. [1]  

Bless us, O God, in this holy season, in which our hearts seek Your help and healing; and so purify us by Your discipline that we may grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. [2]

[1] Blessed are They Lutheran Service Book copyright © 2006 Concordia Publishing House, St, Louis
[2]Collect for Wednesday of Lent 1,

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