Saturday, March 28, 2015

The women at the tomb

3.28.2015 Saturday of Lent 5                       Mark 16:1-20 Women discover the empty tomb of Jesus

The women at the tomb
Three women undertake the job of properly preparing Jesus’ body for burial, which the press of time prevented earlier. When they arrive at the tomb, they find it empty and hear the wonderful (and temporarily paralyzing) message that Jesus has risen from the des and the tomb is empty. In spite of Jesus’ clear predictions on at least three occasions (Mark 8:31-32; Mark 9:31; Mark 10:33-34), His disciples do not believe. Jesus rises from the dead, proclaiming His victory to all creation and proclaiming for all believers a resurrection to eternal life on the Last Day.

Mary Magdalene sees the resurrected Jesus and tells the disciples about Him, but they do not believe it. Sinful human nature cannot believe. Doubt assails our hearts at every opportunity. Yet faith, like life, comes as a pure gift from God, He keeps us in the true faith unto life everlasting.

Jesus commissions His followers to proclaim the message of salvation throughout the world. Only through faith in Jesus Christ can anyone be saved. The Gospel invitation is open to all. God wants all people to be save. The Gospel invitation is open to all.  God wants all people to be saved through Jesus. (1 Timothy 2:3-4)[2]

There is no such thing as a dead Christ. Why seek the living among the dead?  He will not be found in the tombs of the dead. He is alive! Why seek Him there?

The grave could not hold Him in. He rose from the dead on the third day. The disciples’ testimony is true. “We are witnesses of these events; We have seen Him with our own eyes.” This Jesus who was crucified is now alive forevermore. The grave could not hold Him. See the place where they laid Him. He is not here. He is risen from the dead!

O Lord, in your goodness you bestow abundant graces on your elect: Look with favor, we entreat you, upon those who in these Lenten days are being prepared for you Holy Baptism, and grant them the help of your protection; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen[3]

[1] Schnorr von Carolsfeld woodcuts © WELS permission granted for personal and congregational use
[2] Lutheran Study Bible, © 2009 Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis
[3] Collect for Saturday of Lent 5,

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