Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Marriage is for life

3.11.2015 Wednesday of Lent 3                 Mark 10:1-12 God intends marriage to be lifelong

Jesus teaches His disciples concerning divorce and blesses children. In regard to marriage and divorce Mark gives a unique perspective. For the Pharisees divorce is a legal matter; for Jesus it is a divine matter – not what is legal but what is right. Jesus pointed out to the Pharisees that the legal right to get a divorce was due to human sinfulness, but this was contrary to God’s intention that marriage is permanent. To substantiate this, Jesus refers twice to the creation account.

The Gospel continues with an account of Jesus’ receiving little children, for marriage and children to together. Jesus urges that children should be brought to Him and teaches that one should receive the kingdom of God as a child in terms of openness and receptivity.[2]

God intends the family of humankind to be a family in Christ.  The home, marriage, divorce, children. These are all issues that tug at our heart.   In marriage, two become one. In marriage, we witness a new creation; two independent parts become a brand new one. It is God who does this. The Savior, the maker of marriage knits two hearts into one. It is a miracle, which He has performed for our joy, and happiness as Luther summed it all up, “We are all made for marriage, as our bodies show and as the Scriptures state.” All this is a gift from God.

It is important to know that this passage does not teach nor does it even hint or imply that woman is neither inferior nor subordinate to the male. In truth, God has made us each male and female to complement each other. He has created us as such to give us the best in this life. After He created Eve, the Father was finished with His work of creation. At the end of every day, God concluded that His work was “good”. But when He had joined Adam and Eve together He said it was, ‘very good,’ ‘very good indeed!’ Together as husbands and wives, may Christ enter our homes and pronounce such a benediction on each of us.

Give ear to our prayers, O Lord, and direct the way of your servants in safety under your protection, that, amid all the changes of our earthly pilgrimage, we may be guarded by your mighty aid; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.[3]

[1] Image by Ed Rioja © Higher Things
[2]Lectionary Preaching Workbook Series B, John Brokhoff, pg. 277 © 1981, CSS Publishing, Lima OH
[3] Collect for Wednesday of Lent 3,

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