In regard to yourselves
Have you through mediocrity, excused yourself from guilt because a sin is habitual, or caused by social pressure. Acted because of whims and feeling. Used time ineffectively. Organized myself so intensely that I am no longer capable of spontaneous generosity.
Through Disorder and Lack of Planning
Used material possessions improperly. Been weak in making and hold to decisions. Lacked perseverance and logic in carrying things out. Left work half-done, without serious reason. Been discouraged by difficulties or setbacks. Failed to take time for being alone for reflection and study of God’s Word.
Through Pride and Vanity
Been Vain, praise-loving, proud, smug. Indulged in allowing my feelings to be hurt. Acted out of ambition or the desire to be noticed. Failed to recognize my limits and accept them. Make snap judgments and comments to give the impression I know all about a subject.
In regard to others have we against charity
Loved other selfishly; wanted to monopolize other’s affections, been jealous. Considered no one but myself. Never felt real anguish for the misery of others. Passed by indifferent to others troubles. Had habitual contempt for others; less educated people, by people of different racial, national, or economic groups. In any way stifled the personal development of another. Sought to be respected without respecting others. Often kept others waiting. Not paid entire attention to a person speaking to me. Talked too much of myself, and not given others a chance to express themselves. Failed to try to understand others. Out of selfishness or pride expected to be served. Failed to help a person in distress. Seen only those who friendship might prove profitable. Abandoned my friends in their difficulties. Said hurtful things. Done harm, by remarks (false or true) that blackened others’ charter. Betrayed a trust; violated a confidence. Given scandal by the split between the life I lead and the principles I advertise as mine.
In regard to my family, have you in family matters
Made my family and its affairs my sole occupation. Failed to be a full partner and source of strength to my spouse. Taken for my own use an unfair share of what our family has (Clothes, car, and free time.) Failed to respect the individuality of another even a child. Expected more of a child than I have courage to do myself. Talked idly and indiscreetly about the faults of those close to me.
In regard to church have you by thoughts
Thought of the church as a sect or party rather than as the mystical body of Christ. Never read or reflected on the Holy Scriptures. Not held myself responsible for my part in the inadequacy of Christians.
In regard to the church, have you by words
Criticized irresponsibly the leadership of the church both clerical and lay. Ignored the teaching authority of the church, replacing it with my own authority.
In regard to the church, have you by acts
Used church organizations to justify my own personal hang-ups. Rand away from trying to solve the church’s internal problems. Acted to support the church only when it met my approval.
In regard to the church, have you by omission
Not tried to make the church more vital. Failed to contribute sacrificially for the material needs of the church. Neglected to pray for those in authority.
Toward God have you
Waited for God to manifest himself instead of looking for him in the realities of life. Not relies on God to do the rest, after I’ve don all I can. Not see and loved God in other persons. Not loved others in God. Not thought of Jesus Christ as my close bold-brother; giving up trying to make him my model. Centered the cross on my walls but not in my life. Talked about Christ, without really truing to live out the Gospel. Not found time to pray. Prayed only to ask never to adore, never to thank, never to act as a member of the body of Christ never to love. Thought of spiritual life as something to do only after everything else has been taken care of.
O Christ, Thou Lamb of God, You take away the sin of the world. Grant us Thy peace.
From Zion Lutheran Church, Decatur, IN
Schnorr von Carolsfeld woodcuts © WELS Permission to use these copyrighted items is limited to personal and congregational use
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