Friday, October 4, 2024

Saturday prior to Proper 22


Joshua 24:15b; Ephesians 6:4; Luke 2:41-52; 10:38-42-Sunday’s hymn of the day is Oh, Blest the House (LSB 862).  This is an appropriate hymn as it deals with the Christian home. May the Lord bless not only our families, but each and every individual family of our congregations. Taking the lead from Joshua, “as for me and my house we shall serve the Lord!” May the Lord bless each of us as Christ remains at the center of our homes.

Oh, Blest the House
1. Oh, blest the house, whate’er befall,
 Where Jesus Christ is all in all!
A home that is not wholly His -
 How sad and poor and dark it is!

2. Oh, blest that house where faith is found
 And all in hope and love abound;
They trust their God and serve Him still
 And do in all His holy will!

3. Oh, blest the parents who give heed
 Unto their children’s foremost need
And weary not of care or cost,
 May none to them and heav’n be lost!

4. Oh, blest that house; it prospers well,
 In peace and joy the parents dwell,
And in their children’s lives is shown
 How richly God can bless His own.

5. Then here will I and mine today
 A solemn promise make and say:
Though all the world forsake His Word,
 I and my house will serve the Lord

A prayer for home and family - Visit, we implore You, O Lord, the homes in which Your people dwell, and keep far from them all harm and danger. Grant us to dwell together in peace under the protection of Your holy angels, and may Your blessing be with us forever. 2

1.  “Adam and Eve in Paradise” Schnorr Von Carolsfeld woodcuts © WELS permission granted for personal and congregational use
2. A prayer for home and family, Lutheran Service Book © 2006 Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis


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