Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Proper 22 Series B - Mark 10:10-13 reflection

 Law/Gospel Theme:  In our reading for today Jesus receives little children. Sometimes. Some place restrictions. On who can come. And those who can’t. What we shall see is Jesus welcomes children into His family. And if He receives even the smallest of children. He welcomes you and me. Into His welcoming arms  

Prayer: Lord Jesus. You have asked us to come. And so we do. Thank you for your welcoming hand. And your out stretched arms. That receive us into Your mercy.

Hymn: # 60 My Faith Looks Up to Thee


LORD - we pray to you also for the forgiveness of our sins. Have mercy upon us, most merciful Father.

In Your compassion forgive us our sins. Known and unknown. Things done. And left undone. And so uphold us by Your Spirit.

That we may live and serve you in newness of life. To the honor and glory of Your Name. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Almighty God have mercy on you. Forgive you all your sins.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ. And may He strengthen you in all goodness.

And by the power of the Holy Spirit keep you in eternal life. Amen.

Mark 10:13-16

13People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them. 14When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.15Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”16And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.

Hymn: #61 My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less

There is something very special about the Gospel story we read this morning.

You’ve heard stories about Jesus healing children when they were sick. Well this story is about Jesus hanging out with some children when they were just being, well, children.

A Very Serious Matter

One day Jesus had been talking to the grown-ups about Very Serious Matters.

Some picky judging people came to start an argument with him.

Then his disciples came to ask him about hard, confusing things.

Jesus found it all kind of exhausting. So he decided to take a break and go for a walk.

But then his disciples decided to come along. They wanted to ask him more hard questions to solve all their confusing problems. So Jesus was surrounded by disciples asking Serious Difficult Questions.

Kids and their Parents

But then there was a sound from down the road, back toward the village. It sounded like children, laughing and yelling.

Jesus couldn’t see, with all those serious grown-up disciples around him, but there was a small crowd coming up the road. It was a whole bunch of children and their parents.

The parents wanted to bring their children so Jesus would put his hands on their heads and bless them.

But the children wanted to go see Jesus because they knew Jesus was a lot of fun to be with.

Well, Jesus couldn’t see, but he could hear them. The children were standing in a line holding hands. They yelled “Red Rover, Red Rover, send Jesus on over!”

Time to Stop That!

Some of the disciples decided it was time to do something.

Peter turned around and looked at the group of people who had just arrived.

Actually, he looked straight over the heads of the kids so he could look at their parents.

“You people are making too much noise!” Peter said. “You should go away.”

The children shouted “Red Rover, Red Rover, send Jesus on over!”

“Shush!” said Peter. “I’m talking to these grown-ups. Your parents.”

But the children laughed and shouted again, “Red Rover, Red Rover, send Jesus on over!”

“Shush!” said Peter again. “You parents! Make your children be quiet. Jesus is very busy. Jesus is doing Important Grown- Up Things. The adults are trying to talk.”

But the children kept shouting “Red Rover, Red Rover, send Jesus on over!”

Peter, I must say, was getting very red in the face, “Shush!” he said again. “Didn’t you hear—“

Time to Stop Peter!

But just then Jesus tapped Peter on the shoulder, “Hey Peter,” Jesus asked, “what are you doing?”

“I’m sending these children away.” Peter said, “I told them you are busy doing important grown up things.”

“Oh Peter,” Jesus said, shaking his head. “Just stop that. I want the children to come to me. And children are important. The whole kingdom of heaven belongs to them.”

“It does?” asked Peter.

“It does,” said Jesus. “Plus, they’re a lot more fun than you. Did I hear someone say Red Rover? I love Red Rover!”

Time to Play!

And with that Jesus broke through the line of disciples, and ran into the arms of the children. They all went to the grassy field beside the road and played for the rest of the afternoon, running, and wrestling, and playing games.

And when it was time for the children to go home to dinner, Jesus hugged each one, and prayed for each one, and gave each one a special blessing.


I wonder what it felt like when the disciples wouldn’t let the children come to Jesus?

I wonder what it felt like when Jesus said the children could come to him after all?

I wonder what it means that the Kingdom of heaven belongs to children?

I wonder what it means that the Kingdom of heaven belongs to you?

Lord, thank you for your love and care. Thank you for opening your arms and welcoming all. Regardless of age. To come to you. In faith and love. [1]

Let us cry out to the Lord with our prayers and petitions on this day.

The Lord has given us the beauty of worship and the gift of fellowship with one another. We thank you Lord, for gathering us this day.

The Lord has given us life in a nation of opportunities and liberty; with public services such as fire and police protection, ambulances, food pantries, schools, libraries, and hospitals. We thank you Lord, for our national life.

The Lord has given us neighbors, friends, families, and coworkers to share the joys and burdens of this life. We thank you Lord, for the privilege of loving others.

The Lord has given us a world full of creatures that crawl, fly, swim, and climb. We enjoy a bounty of flowers and shrubs, grasses and trees, plants and moss, and rocks and hills. We thank you Lord, for your creation.

The Lord has given us one another and we give thanks for God’s grace and mercy as we offer prayers for the sick and suffering.

The Lord has given us a promise that where He goes, He will prepare a place for us.

We thank you Lord for the gift of life and for giving us to one another for safekeeping. Bring us home when it is time. Lord in your grace, hear our prayer.[2]

We also remember those people affected by recent hurricanes and storms. We ask that as relief agencies come to their aid that they may be the hand and feet the fingers and toes of Jesus. May they show compassion, mercy and care for those who are vulnerable. And may we continue to lift them up in our prayers as this is what we are called to do. In Jesus’ name we pray.

Words –1,290
Passive Sentences –1.6%
Readability –84%
Reading Level – 4.0

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