Sunday, August 11, 2024

Monday prior to Proper 15


Psalm 111:1–5, 9; Antiphon, Psalm 111:10—Atheist groups a few years back took out ads on city buses in cities across the U.S., even in Indiana South Bend and Bloomington, that proclaim that there is no God. ‘You Can Be Good Without God’; ‘In the Beginning, Man Created God’ etc. What utter nonsense! 

Proof of God’s existence are all around. We see it in the wonderful creation of this universe. We see it in the human conscience and our system of justice. We also see a revealed knowledge of God found in the Scriptures. 

The psalmist tells us what it truly means to be wise: to fear the Lord, to recognize all that He has done for us. Those so-called ‘atheists,’ far from disbelieving in a god, have made themselves their own god, and a very poor one at that.

The subject of bread continues as we make our way through John 6. The theme for this Sunday after Pentecost is Incarnating the Christ. Christ is the Living Bread who came down from Heaven, the Word made flesh (John 1:14), who gives His flesh for the life of the world.

We can find this Living Bread nowhere else but in Christ. As Peter answered, when asked by Jesus if he wanted to leave, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” – John 6:68 After Jesus ascended into heaven, when called before the Jewish council, Peter would proclaim again, “There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12). Come, feast on the Living Bread. Gladly hear His Word, and eat His Body and Blood, given for you for the remission of all your sins

Collect for Psalm 111: Merciful and gentle Lord, the crowning glory of all the saints, give us, your children, the gift of obedience, which is the beginning of wisdom, so that we may be filled with your mercy and that what you command we may do by the might of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Luther’s Seal copyright © Ed Riojas, Higher Things
Collect for Psalm 111,For All the Saints: A Prayer Book For and By the Church Vol.1 The Lutheran Publicity Bureau © 1994 Delhi, NY

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