Thursday, August 15, 2024

Friday prior to Proper 15


John 6:51–59—Jesus declares that He is the Living Bread that came down from heaven. It is through Him alone that we can be forgiven, that our sins can be removed, that we can partake of eternal life. Through Word and sacrament, Christ feeds us, bestowing faith and nourishing it. The bread that He gives does not just satisfy for a short time, like earthly food; whoever feeds on this bread will live forever.

The word “eat” occurs no less than eight times in our reading for today. What does it mean”? Is Christ to be literally eaten? It is a metaphor that is saying, “believe in me,” and “come to me.” It is a way of saying that Christ is to be taken into one’s life, digested so that Christi permeates the whole of life; body, mind, and spirit. As food is taken into the body, is lost in the body, and brings strength to the body, so Christ is to become a part of us. Or is it, you become a part of Christ’s body; the church?

And yes, Christ is to be literally ingested. Jesus says, “My flesh is food…my blood is drink.” The word is not “seems” nor “represents,” the word is “IS.” Is this the basis for the view that the bread of Holy Communion is the real, physical body of Jesus? Not many can accept this view. Nor can many accept the view that the bread of Holy Communion is only a symbol of the reality of Christ’s body. By the words, “IS” Jesus means to say that he really and truly is in the bread without becoming bread. Christ permeates material so that in eating the bread, the communicant at the same time partakes of Christ.  

By eating and drinking the bread and wine of the Eucharist we have the exalted experience of a mystical union with Christ. He abides (exists, remains) in us and we in him. The believer and Christ are one. This makes the Holy Communion the peak of religious experience, the apex of worship. To be one in Christ is life’s greatest experience. 1

Prayer the Unemployed: Heavenly Father, we remember before You, those who suffer want and anxiety from lack of work and those under employed. Lead us so to use the wealth and resources of this rich land that all persons may find suitable and fulfilling employment and receive just payment for their labor; through Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. 2


Luther’s Seal copyright © Ed Riojas, Higher Things

1. Lectionary Preaching Workbook Series B, John Brokhoff, © 1981 CSS Publishing, St. Louis

2. Collect for the Unemployed/underemployed, Lutheran Service Book © 2006 Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis

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