Sunday, July 28, 2024

Monday Prior to Proper 13


Psalm 78:23-25, Antiphon, Psalm 78:72With upright heart he shepherded them and guided them with His skillful hand. Israel under the care of the Lord’s royal shepherd from the house of David was for the prophets the hope of God’s people (see Ezekiel 34:23; 37:23 Micah 5:4) fulfilled in Jesus Christ. (See Matthew 2:6; John 10:11; Revelation 7:17)

This coming Sunday marks an interlude in the long series of passages from Mark during the Pentecost season. The Gospels for three Sundays are taken in course from John 6 - The Bread of Life chapter. Jesus explains that the people have come for more physical bread, but He would rather they had spiritual food which comes from heaven, food for the soul. He then identifies Himself as the bread from heaven similar to the manna God sent to His people in the wilderness Exodus 16:2-15

Paul in our Epistle lesson Ephesians 4:1-7, 11-16 speaks repeatedly of growth into the fullness of Christ’s stature and growth as “bodily growth”.  As everyone knows, physical growth is not possible without adequate food. The Psalm of the Day Psalm145:10-21; key verse v15The eyes of all look to You and You give them their food at the proper time sings of God’s goodness and greatness in satisfying the physical needs of every person. Jesus our Savior fills our deepest needs.

In the center of Pentecost we will be reading the Bread of Life chapter of John 6. Following are the Gospel readings for the next three Sundays.

Proper 13 John 6:22-35

Eat More Than Bread - The Necessity of spiritual bread for life.

Proper 14 John 6:35-51

Eat and Live – Spiritual food gives eternal life

Proper 15 John 6:51-69

To Eat or Not to Eat – The decision whether or not to follow Christ  

Collect for Psalm 78: Lord Jesus Christ, shepherd of your Church, to strengthen our faith and to lead us to the Kingdom, you renewed and surpassed the marvels of the old covenant. Through the uncertainties of this earthly journey, lead us home to the everlasting pastures, where we may praise you now and forever


Loaves and Fish, copyright © Ed Riojas, Higher Things

Collect for Psalm 78, For All the Saints, A Prayer Book For and By the Church. Vol. IV The American Lutheran Publicity Bureau, © 1996 Delhi, NY  

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