Sunday, July 14, 2024

Monday prior to Proper 11


In the lessons for this coming Sunday several themes can be seen: that nature of a good shepherd, the functions of a good shepherd, and the togetherness of God’s people through a Davidic king, Christ, and the church. The last is suggested as the theme – togetherness.

Jesus in the Gospel (Mark 6:30-44) takes His disciples, who just returned from their preaching-healing mission, on a retreat. Jeremiah in the Old Testament lesson (Jeremiah 23:1-6) explains that the exile was due to false shepherds and the scattered sheep will be brought back to Israel under a Davidic king. Jew and Gentile in the Epistle lesson (Ephesians 2:11-22) are made one through the blood of Christ and their oneness in the church. The Psalm’s refrain, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me…” (Psalm 23:6) reminds us of the Gospel – “He had compassion on them.” The Hymn of the Day (The Church’s One Foundation; LSB 644) sings of Jesus who is the center of the church’s life and the foundation on which we build.

Psalm 147:7-11, Antiphon, Psalm 145:16You open Your hand; You satisfy the desire of every living thing. Jesus sets the table. Jesus supplies all that we may ever need. The Lord is faithful. We will never be in need. He has promised to supply our daily wants and desires. Daily tells how much God should give us, enough for the day. We do not ask God that He give us now what we need in years to come, but it is sufficient if we get what we need each day. Note also that the psalm begins and concludes with a Hallelujah!  In every circumstance we are given to praise the name of the LORD.

Collect for Psalm 147: God our Father, great builder of the heavenly Jerusalem, you know the number of stars and call each of them by name. Heal hearts that are broken, gather those who have been scattered, and enrich us all from the plentitude of your eternal wisdom, Jesus Christ our LORD

The Crucifixion Schnorr von Carolsfeld woodcut copyright ©WELS used with permission

Collect for Psalm 147, For All the Saints, A Prayer Book For and By the Church, Vol. IV The American Lutheran Publicity Bureau © 1996 Delhi, NY

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