Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Easter 3 Reflection

The disciples could not believe that the risen Christ was real because of joy., They were so glad to see Him that they could not believe it was true. Usually joy follows believing, or there is the joy of believing. In this case the presence of the living crucified one was so overwhelming that they had joy even before they believed. 
Their joy attests to their love and appreciation for Him. Their joy is a witness to the reality of the Resurrection, for it was a response to His presence. The joy of Easter, then, is not in flowers, eggs, clothing, or candy. It is in the presence of the risen Lord.

Collect for Easter 3 O almighty and eternal God, who hast bestowed on us the paschal mysteries in the token of the covenant of man’s redemption, give us the will to show forth in our lives that which we profess with our lips; through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with Thee and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

Law/Gospel Theme: Jesus most certainly died and came back to life! Because of this, we have assurance that we will have eternal life with God. Jesus fulfilled the law for our sake and conquered death. We know this to be true, and we are forgiven because of it. We know God loves us and we can trust Him for all things.

Sometimes we are asked to show identification. People might ask us to prove that we are who we say we are. For instance, if I go to the airport, I have to show someone a driver’s license or a passport. To prove that the name on my ticket is really who I am.

Or if I apply for a job. I might have to show a social security card. Or birth certificate. That verifies my identity. And then some jobs might make me show a diploma or another certificate that gives me authority to teach or work in a certain field. These items would all prove who I am and would prove that I can do what I want to do.

But what about Jesus? Do you think He had a driver’s license or a passport? Not exactly…but He did prove His identity and His authority in the world. While He was living on Earth, Jesus did amazing miracles. He told His disciples about who He was and what He had come to do. Even still. They didn’t always believe or understand the things He told them about Himself. Even His signs and miracles didn’t seem to sink in fully.

After Jesus died and came back to life, He came to the disciples again. And even at that point He had to prove Himself!

At first, the disciples were terrified to see Him. They thought He was a ghost or something. But then Jesus reassured them. He showed them the scars in His hands and feet. He asked for something to eat…ghosts don’t eat food!

It truly was Jesus! not just a spirit or image of Him, but Jesus with a real physical body. He gave them His “ID card” to prove that He was real and true.

Then He reminded the disciples—again—of all the things He had tried to explain before. It must have seemed to them like the puzzle pieces finally fit together. Jesus truly did do all that He had promised. He had authority from God…and He was passing that on to them, as well.

He told them He was sending the promise of the Father to them, and that they would be given power to share the good news of the Resurrection. Jesus gave the disciples an important task to spread the love of God to all around them.

You have that special task, too! We know the truth of Jesus and the power of what He did for us. We have the joy of sharing that with others. That might mean sharing the words of Jesus with other people. or it might just mean caring for them and shining the light of Christ through our joyful attitudes.

However YOU do it. You know that Jesus is with us. He proved who He was through His resurrection, and we carry out His power through love and faith. We recognize and trust His authority now and forever!

Prayer: LORD Thank you for Jesus. He truly is your Son. And did all that you promised. Help us to trust in you. And recognize your authority in our lives. Thank you for your love and care.[1]


Image of the Risen Christ  Ed Riojas copyright Higher Things

Collect for Easter 3 Lutheran Service Book copyright 2006 Concordia Publishing House. St. Louis


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