Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Mark 1:29-39 reflection


Jesus Heals
Mark 1:29-39
Epiphany 5 

Jesus has already taken care of what ails us most. He has died to remove our sin. 

We still fall physically ill. And we might not receive immediate healing as we would wish. 

But this does not mean that we have done something wrong. But is simply a reflection of the continued presence of sin in this world. We’re living in a broken world outside of Eden. But Jesus is in the business of restoring this world. That’s why He came here in the first place. 

 Fortunately, we know that Christ has overcome the world. He makes us new. And if not in this life. Then at the resurrection. We can hope in His presence and His care and cure!

 Have you ever gotten hurt, or sick? 

What kinds of things help when you are feeling bad or physically hurt? 

You might get a band-aid to put over a small cut or a scrape. Or perhaps. You have an itch. Or sore muscles. You put ointment on it. 

Maybe you even get a big cast if you break a bone. And if you have the flu or an infection. You might have to take medicine. To feel better and get rid of the germs inside your body.

All these things help our bodies to heal and to feel different. 

But you know. Ultimately. It’s not the band-aid that fixes your skin. Or the medicine that heals your headache. Those things are side helpers. But it’s really God who is working in us to make us new and heal our bodies.

What about the inside? Not just our tummies or lungs. But what about our feelings? And our actions? What can help those? Well, God takes care of that, too! 

You know, in the Bible, we see Jesus heal people. He took care of many who were sick. Just like the story in our Gospel today. 

He also helped people who couldn’t walk. Or couldn’t see. He even brought people back to life. Jesus did amazing miracles during His time on Earth. And He helped people who needed Him. 

He also showed that He loved people. And He took care of them on the inside. 

But do you know the greatest thing He did? This powerful healer let Himself be beaten, stripped, and nailed to a cross. 

While He was dying. People made fun of Him. For not being able to help Himself. Like He helped others. 

But Jesus knew He had to go through that awful pain. He paid the price for our sin. So that “by His wounds we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5). 

And then He came back to life. And promised to be with us always! One day He will return.

Because of this. We have hope. Even when things are painful or hard.

These days, there’s a lot of talk about sickness. People everywhere are worried about viruses. And how we can keep people safe. And wondering what the best way will be to keep us healthy and strong. 

We don’t know all the answers to health challenges people face. Jesus still heals people today. Using doctors, nurses, healthcare works and such to keep us well. 

Jesus warns us that there will be trouble in this world. But He also promises that He has overcome the world. 

We might not always get the physical healing we always want. But we know He has already healed our hearts. 

Jesus took our sin sickness away when He died on the cross. He will comfort and love us no matter what else is happening. Jesus is the final hope and final answer. 

There are many things we don’t always know or understand. But we have hope in Christ. He has already taken care of the most important thing, and because of that, we know we are God’s children. 

We can always pray for what we need, of course, but we can thank God for giving us what we need most. 

LORD You are the true healer. Thank you for healing our hearts. For taking care of our sin sickness. Saving us from the inside out. We love you, LORD. Thank you for Jesus. In His name, Amen! 

Passive Sentences-1.1%
Readability –90% 
Reading Level –2.5 sermon/#:~:text=He%20even%20brought%20people%20back,and%20Jesus%20healed%20those%2C%20too.

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