Friday, October 16, 2020

October 17 - Saturday prior to Pentecost 28 (Proper 24)


Psalm 145:1 -Our reading is the inspiration for tomorrow’s sermon hymn; “Before the Lord We Bow” an appropriate hymn for this week’s theme “Nations under God.” In this hymn we praise God who rules the world and is boundless in power and love. Truly we serve a God who governs the affairs of men who will judge the world with righteousness and equity. Having read these lessons here are a few points to ponder. Is it a true statement that the Lord has already judged the world? If so when and how? When Christ returns in glory what will be the sentence rendered?

This hymn written by Francis Scott Key, best known for “The Star-Spangled Banner” has made its way unto scores of hymnals. Stanza one reads as follows:

Before You, Lord, we bow,

Our God who reigns above

And rules the world below,

Boundless in pow’r and love.

Our thanks we bring

In joy and praise,

Our hearts we raise

To You, our King!

A prayer for our nation: Almighty God, You have given us this good land as our heritage. Grant that we remember Your generosity and constantly do Your will. Bless our land with honest industry, truthful education, and an honorable way of life. Save us from violence, discord, and confusion, from pride and arrogance, and from every evil course of action. Grant that we, who came from many nations with many different languages, may become a united people. Support us in defending our liberties, and give those to whom we have entrusted the authority of government the spirit of wisdom, that there may be justice and peace in our land. When times are prosperous, may our hearts be thankful, and in troubled times do not let our trust in You fail

[1] A Prayer for our Nation, Lutheran Service Book © 2006 Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis

The United States Flag copyright © Google Images

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