Sunday, August 23, 2020

Pentecost 12 - Proper 16

Matthew 16:13-20

The question of faith

It came at a crucial time in our Lord’s public ministry. His focus was set on Jerusalem. Where He would complete the work of redemption. Jesus was set to suffer many things for the world’s salvation. Our Lord is at a critical location in His ministry. Caesarea Philippi was a Gentile city. Built by Herod’s son, Philip. In honor of Caesar. Caesarea Philippi – A city dedicated to the great Caesar. Funded through the taxes Philip had raised.  

Jesus stood in a pagan region. Where false deities and their adherents flourished. Critical also were His companions. The disciples were personally selected and taught by Jesus. They had viewed almost all aspects of His public ministry.

The Lord asked two important questions. At this moment. In this location. And of His disciples. The answers to the questions were important. For them. And also for His followers today. There can be no doubt that Jesus was aware of the gravity of the question being asked. Today let’s consider the two important questions of faith.

I.        The first question was addressed to the disciples, “who do men say the Son of Man is?” (V.13)

A.     The response was varied. And no consensus existed among the answers. John the Baptist was considered so great a contemporary figure. Some felt he would rise from the dead. Elijah, the great prophet of old, was looked upon as the peak of the prophetic line. And his return would signal the coming of the Messiah. Jeremiah was considered another signal of the Messiah’s impending return.

B.     Our Lord heard the verdict of the people. He was named among the great company of the prophets of the Old Testament.  Truly these were extraordinary men. But, these were “flesh and blood” interpretations of who the Son of Man was. Each was built on a false and imperfect premise that strived to understand men and events from a perspective of human logic and contrast to God’s revelation in the Scriptures.

C.     Today the world’s responses differ little from those found in Matthew’s Gospel. At the basis of them all - is human reason riddled with sin. People choose a classification of Jesus that fits with their needs and desires at the moment. To them Jesus is just another spiritual guide seeking loyalty. The fickle people of our time find no comfort in the claim that Jesus is the greatest among great men.

II.     The second question was addressed once again to the disciples. “But you, who do you, say I am?” (V.15)

A.     Jesus asked for a confession of the lips that stems from a conviction of the heart. Peter, ever the spokesman for the Twelve, responded with these words; “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” (v.16) Jesus was the long-expected Messiah. The one God had promised since the fall of mankind into sin. He was the Savior of the world whose mission was the defeat and destruction of sin, death, and the power of the devil. This was no mere human elevated to the highest category of honor. This was God Himself who defined simple human descriptions.

B.     God revealed who Jesus as to Peter. Such understanding was not transmitted from one person to the other as secondhand information. One who is much greater than flesh and blood revealed the identity of the Messiah to Peter.

C.   Today, the faithful of God continue to confess, “I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord, or come to Him.” Through Word and Sacrament, Christ, the Son of the Living God, is ever revealed to mankind.

III.   And now the second critical question is addressed to each of us, “You, who do you say that I am?”

A.     We can answer the question only through the intervention of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The Spirit’s means are Word and Sacrament brought to the troubled heart of the sinner. The saving faith freely given by God leads each one of us to confess by faith: “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.”

B.     The source of our confession and our actions is the faith God give us. Because Jesus is the Christ, your sins are forgiven. Because Jesus is the Christ, You are empowered to live a new life. Because Jesus is the Christ, You have the sure certainty of eternal life.

Words –755
Passive Sentences –18%
Readability – 72.5%
Reading Level – 5.7

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