Saturday, November 18, 2017

Proper 28

Proper 28 –19 November 2017– Matthew 25:14-30

Grace! It's recklessly amazing!

Our Gospel lesson is a continuation from the parable related to the Lord’s return from last Sunday. In the parable of the 10 virgins a basic and yet profound principle is made – each must believe for himself. In the parable concerning the talents the question for us to consider is this - so now that you have come to a saving relationship with Christ what have you done with the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Did you use it or did you abuse it? Did you let your light shine? Or did that light go out?

According to the parable, the Lord’s return is long delayed “It will be as a man who went on a journey…After much time the Lord of those slaves came back and took up works with them.” (Vv.14k 19)

The servants are asked to give an account of their investment. This is the day of reckoning. Two servants doubled the investment and the third buries what he was given. The third servant was condemned for not making the most of his talent. It was taken from him and given to the other two.

Jesus has ascended and His return has been delayed. At His coming. There will be a reckoning. And this parable begs the question. What do you think of Jesus? What is your attitude toward Him? Burger King boasts, “You can have it your way!” And so teaches this parable.

The kind of God you want is the God you get. Have you gossiped the gospel? Or have you cared only for your own security? When Christ returns. He will ask each of us “What have you done with the Gospel entrusted to you?

 Let us pray…

Lord God, so rule and govern our hearts and minds by your Holy Spirit that, always keeping in mind the end of all things and the day of judgment, we may be stirred up to holiness of life here and may live with you forever in the world to come.”

The parable continues… “To one servant He gave five talents. To a second, two. To a third, one.  Each according to his own power/might/ability…then he went away.”

This is not a lesson on equality. The Master gives the servants what they can handle. No little. No less. Equality is predicated on difference. Not sameness.

You'll be given opportunities according to your ability. Not everyone gets the same opportunity, because not everyone is capable of handling the same amount of responsibility. Whether you're faithful with a little or a lot, God is equally pleased. Being responsible always leads to even more responsibility.

God gives each a gift according to each one’s ability to use it. In the last analysis, however, we are all equal in being accountable for whatever gift we have. A person's Christian calling should not lie hidden and barren: it should be out- going, and self-sacrificial. Don't lose your effectiveness; instead, trample on your selfishness. Or do you think your life is for yourself?

A talent – τάλαντον - had one of two meanings. It was the tribute one country owed another. Consider what’s been making the news these days? Our president has just returned from his Asian trip negotiating trades with other countries because either they owe us or we owe them. So when you hear that one servant received “one talent” think to yourself, he received $1 Trillion!

The value of a talent , could also mean, a sum of money. About twenty-five years of labor by an ordinary person. If that is the case. Here we’re talking about $ 750K to $1 million.[1] So, whether we talking collectively, or individually, it really doesn’t matter. A talent was huge. And that’s the point Jesus makes in this parable.

The Father is reckless when it comes to grace. He hands over a huge amount with no instructions on what to do with it. But they do with it as they believe their Lord to be. These servants are all the same. They are given no instructions on what to do with it. Yet they use their talent based on what they believe their Lord to be.    

When the three are called notice their reaction.  “Coming to him the one with five say, “Lord, you handed over to me five. Look! It gained five more!

Notice also the response of the Master. “Said to him his Lord, well done slave – good and faithful. You have been faithful with “a little” (5 trillion is small!) enter into the joy of the Lord!”   And what is the joy of the Lord? See Revelation 7

This slave offers a confession of grace. Like his master, he too is recklessly investing his gift. And to his amazement, “Look! It gained five more!”  These servants are all the same. They are given no instructions on what to do with what has been entrusted to them. Yet, they do with it as they believe their Lord to be.

The man with the two talents also came. 'Master,' he said, 'you entrusted me with two talents; see, I have gained two more.' "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!' Vv. 22-23.

Notice. The response to the two is verbatim! It is the continued generosity of the Lord.

To the servant who was give only one he said, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you scattered no seed.  I was afraid and went out and hid your talent in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you.” v. 25. 

You can have it your way! You get the God you believe. This one hated the Lord’s generosity. So He hid his talent. Digging a hole. For fear of what the Master would do.  It’s not that he didn’t want to lose it. He didn’t want the gift in the first place. He gave it back. Because He hated the Master.

He simply says, “Here is what belongs to you!”  He turns his back on the Lord and His gifts. And like the five moronic virgins, who attempt to enter the wedding banquet hall without oil the Master could not acknowledge them for He did not know them. And to them, the door was shut.  

The reason why the Master was so angry at the servant who buried his talent was because he did…nothing. Because he believed…nothing.   God's grace is Amazing.  It’s huge. It is endless. Therefore you never need to give up. But when you give up, you close the door on God changing you.

Consider the Master’s response…”You evil, lazy, servant! Did you really know I a am a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you scattered no seed?” The servant believed a lie. He had abandoned the truth of the gospel and exchanged it for a myth.

Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest. v. 27.

The servant who was given five talents was called good and faithful because he was reckless like his Master. He went at once to put his talents to work—do the same. Whatever it is that you need to accomplish in your life, there is something you can do TODAY to get started. It's not your job to worry about what you don't have; it's your job to make the most of what you have.

Your life is for God. For the good of all men. Though your love for your Lord. Your talent. Is it buried? Dig it up again! Make it yield.

Remember. The Father is reckless when it comes to grace. He hands over a huge amount with no instructions on what to do with it. But you do with it. As you believe your' Lord to be.

Christ has entrusted you to the work of His kingdom – the Gospel!  Why? Because His Word works! Because His Gospel works! Because His grace is sufficient. Because He believes in you.
Words – 1,400
Passive Sentences 9–%
Readability – 83.5%
Reading Level – 3.8

[1] In an article published in the 11.18.2017 edition of the  Journal Gazette the medium annual  income for residents in Adams County was listed at $35,000.  
Words – 
Passive Sentences – 
Readability – 
Reading Level – 

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