Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Thursday prior to Advent 3

Philippians 4:4–7Rejoice in the Lord always, says St Paul. Why? Jesus Christ, by His death and resurrection, has taken away the reproach of God for sin.

We are now at peace with God, peace that surpasses all our understanding, for we can never fully understand the mystery of God assuming flesh, becoming sin for us, and dying to redeem us from the curse of our sin. We can only rejoice in the Lord that He has done so because of His grace and mercy.

Jesus is for those who feel weak. They look at their lives and see failure. Their sins rise up against them in a flood of accusations. Jesus comes for people whose faith is battered and weak. He comes for those who want to enjoy Christmas cheer and join in the holiday celebrations, but often feel less than joyous this time of year, so they feel back about that, too, wondering is Scrooge wasn’t right after all.

To these people comes the Child of Bethlehem. He gives them what they need. He is not content to make them “feel” good. Soothing words are not His to give. Sentimental tripe never comes from His lip0s.l For He is a real Savior who saves real sinner. He didn’t come into this world to be cute and adored. He came to us to be abandoned. He was born to die, not a noble death applauded by the religious, but a death of loneliness engulfed in scorn and shame. And that miserable death saved us. For it was our sin which He took away. The reason for our rejoicing is that we focus our rejoicing in our Savior the Lord Jesus.

A prayer of praise and supplication: Lord God, creator of heaven and earth, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we praise You for the abundant mercy that You this day so richly have provided for us, blessing us not only with daily bread for our bodies but also with heavenly food for our souls. Grant that Your living and powerful Word may abide in our hearts, working mightily in us to Your glory and for our salvation. We commit ourselves to Your divine protection and fatherly care. Let Your holy angels be with us that the evil foe may have no power over us. Look in mercy on Your Church and deliver it from all danger and adversities. By Your Holy Spirit comfort and strengthen all who are in affliction or distress, and grant Your abiding peace to us all; through Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen.

[1] Advent, copyright © Ed Riojas, Higher Things


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