Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Christ the King Reflection

Law/Gospel Theme:  Jesus came to Earth to live and die for us. unfortunately, there were many alive at the time who did not recognize the significance of who He was or what He was doing. They expected a ruler who might free them from political oppression or overthrow the human powers of the time. Jesus came to be king, but He did so by service and sacrifice. He came to free us from the powers of sin and death. This should remind us all that Jesus is king of Heaven, and king of our hearts.  

PrayerLord Jesus, so govern our hearts and minds by Your Holy Spirit that ever mindful of Your glorious return we may be kept both in faith and love ever waiting for You to take us home. 

Hymn: #26 Crown Him with Many Crowns


LORD - we pray to you also for the forgiveness of our sins. Have mercy upon us, most merciful Father.  In Your compassion forgive us our sins. Known and unknown. Things done. And left undone. And so uphold us by Your Spirit.  That we may live and serve you in newness of life. To the honor and glory of Your Name. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Almighty God have mercy on you. Forgive you all your sins. Through our Lord Jesus Christ. And may He strengthen you in all goodness.  And by the power of the Holy Spirit keep you in eternal life. Amen.

John 18:33-37
So Pilate entered his headquarters again and called Jesus and said to him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” 34 Jesus answered, “Do you say this of your own accord, or did others say it to you about me?” 35 Pilate answered, “Am I a Jew? Your own nation and the chief priests have delivered you over to me. What have you done?” 36 Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.” 37 Then Pilate said to him, “So you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. 
For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.” –

Hymn: #26 Crown Him with Many Crowns

Jesus did a lot of remarkable things. And fulfilled many roles while on Earth. He continues to hold tremendous power and authority over all things. Especially our lives.  

Consider some of the titles that describe Jesus. Such as Good Shepherd. Bread of life. And Lamb of God. Most importantly, though, Jesus is the king. He is God made flesh. Ruling not over an Earthly kingdom. But an eternal one. 

It’s important to be reminded that Jesus is more powerful and magnificent than any royalty we can imagine.

Who was Jesus? If you had to describe His roles and “jobs”, what do you think you might say? 

There are a lot of wonderful, amazing, and miraculous things that He did while He lived on Earth. As far as jobs go. We know He was a carpenter. He worked with a lot of fishermen disciples. 

He also did amazing healing miracles. So in a way He was sort of like a doctor, too. 

And then there are some special ways that Jesus described Himself.  He is the light of the world. He is the bread of life. He is the Good Shepherd. He is living water.

There’s another special and important title that Jesus has. He is the king! 

Now, this was somewhat confusing to some people around Him. Some of Christ’s followers wanted Him to be ruler of an Earthly kingdom.  And hoped that He would be king over the political powers of the time. 

When He was arrested. And questioned before His crucifixion. Pilate the governor asked Him if He was the King of the Jews. That became the accusation made against Him that got Him killed. 

In fact. People made fun of Jesus and gave Him a crown made of thorns to mock Him for saying that He was king. 

When they put Him on the cross. They said His “crime” was being king.

But they didn’t know the whole story. And they missed out on something very important. 
Jesus did not come to rule over people on Earth. He was not trying to overthrow political power. 

Jesus was the king of the people in a spiritual sense. He was—and is—King of all things. 
He is God. Reigning in Heaven. He wants to rule and reign in our hearts, too. 

He is the victorious conqueror of sin and death. In all of the things that Jesus did and does for us. He is master and king. He is not a tyrant. But a loving king. Who sacrificed His life to save ours. 

He continues to love us. And He wants us to honor and serve Him. We show that we love and respect Him when we live lives of devotion to God. 

We can also pray. Read our Bibles. And do positive things. But all of that “doing” is not as important as putting Jesus first in our lives. 

We can recognize His kingship when we truly love Him and love others. We remember He is present with us each and every day. In all things. 

We act as though He is the king because He IS! Jesus is the king!

Let’s pray and thank God for our wonderful king Jesus…

Thank you, Jesus our Lord and King. In Thanksgiving we offer you our worship and praise.  Thank you for giving us Jesus. He is the king! Help us to keep Him king of our lives. We want to serve you with all we have. Lord, thank you for your love and care.  

The Lord has given us one another and we give thanks for God’s grace and mercy as we offer prayers for the sick and suffering.

The Lord has given us the beauty of worship and the gift of fellowship with one another. We thank you Lord for gathering us on this day.

The Lord has given us life in a nation of opportunities and liberty; with public services such as fire and police protection, ambulances, food pantries, schools, libraries, and hospitals. We thank you Lord for our national life.

The Lord has given us neighbors, friends, families, and coworkers to share the joys and burdens of this life. We thank you Lord, for the privilege of loving others.

The Lord has given us a world full of creatures that crawl, fly, swim, and climb. We enjoy a bounty of flowers and shrubs, grass and trees, plants and moss, and rocks and hills. We thank you Lord, for your creation.

The Lord has given us a promise that where He goes, He will prepare a place for us. 
We thank you Lord for the gift of life and for giving us to one another for safekeeping. Bring us home when it is time. Lord in your grace, hear our prayer. 

Image of Christ the King copyright Ed Riojas, Higher Things
Christ is King! Children’s Sermon from John 18:33-37 - Ministry To Children 
September-15.2024-10AM-17th-Sunday-after-Pentecost.pdf ( 


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