Monday, September 2, 2024

Tuesday prior to Proper 18



Psalm 146; key verse, verse 2I will praise the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. The psalmist makes a vow to praise the Lord as long as he lives. This is similar to the vow we make on the day of our confirmation. 

Question: Do you intend to continue steadfast in this confession and church and to suffer all, even death, rather than fall away from it? Answer: I do, by the grace of God.


Psalm 146 begins a series of five final songs in the Book of Psalms, and the five are known as the Hallelujah Psalms. “In the earlier psalms, we have studied the writers’ grief, shames, sins, doubts, and fears. We have witnessed the people of God in their defeats and victories, their ups and downs in life. We have encountered rebellious words and struggling faith. All this is behind us now. In these final psalms every word is praise.” (James Montgomery Boice)  2

Collect for Psalm 146: God of glory and power, happy indeed are those who have put their trust in you. Shine the brightness of your light upon us, that we may love you always with our heart and praise you forever; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord3

A Prayer for obedience to God’s WordO holy and most merciful God, You have taught us the way of Your commandments. We implore You to pour out Your grace into our hearts. Cause it to bear fruit in us that being ever mindful of Your mercies and Your laws, we may always be directed to Your will and daily increase in love toward You and one another. Enable us to resist all evil and to live a godly life. Help us to follow the example of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and to walk in His steps until we shall possess the kingdom that has been prepared for us in heaven; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. 4

1. The Crucifixion Schnorr von Carolsfeld woodcut copyright © from WELS  used with permission for personal and congregational use
3. Collect for Psalm 146, For All the Saints A Prayer Book For and By the Church, Vol. IV, The American Lutheran Publicity Bureau, © 1996 Delhi, NY 
4. Collect for obedience to God’s Word, Lutheran Service Book, © 2006 Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis

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