Saturday, September 25, 2021

Proper 21 Series B


Mark 9:38–50
26 September 2021

What scandals have you heard about in the past month? How did they affect you?

Scandals. Like gossip. Create news. Headlines. And the patter and chatter of talk shows. Politicians and entertainers. Cause the public concern. With their dress. Their lifestyle. Or their secrets. Indeed. Scandal not only drives public opinion. It can increase profits for media. And visibility for publicity-hungry persons.

The biggest PR myth of all states. “There is no such thing as bad publicity.” Which suggests. Even if they're saying awful things about you. The publicity is supposed to still be good. Because your name is on the top of people's minds. Keeping you relevant. And in some cases. This might be true. For a season.

Yet, the idea that there's no such thing as bad publicity. Is laughable. It's totally insane.

When it comes to the Church. Scandal multiplies problems. Not only does the community lose faith. The community loses face. With potential converts. Church scandal also gives those who oppose the faith reason for harassment. But. What happens when the scandal within the Church is caused - by the good of non-believers?

Lord, thank You for Your work through the lives of others. Lead me to welcome those miracles and mercies that You show through every one of Your people. Grant us the lasting faith that can persevere through every trial. Empty our heads of anything that competes with You, and let us hold firmly to You eternally.

John said to HIM, "TEACHER, we saw someone expelling demons in YOUR name and we were forbidding him because he was not following us.  But JESUS said, "Do not forbid him. For there is no one who will do powerful things in my name and will be able to quickly speaking ill of me.

For, who is not against us is in behalf of us. For, whoever might give you a drink (from) a cup of water on the grounds that you are of Christ, again; I say to you that he will definitely not lose his earnings.” (VV. 38-41)

John objects to this outsider healing in Jesus' name. John's question seems to say: "How dare He! This outsider should be one of us!"

Jesus turned the objection to the question of discipleship. No matter how small the kind act. No one. Who does good. In the name of Jesus. Should be stopped. In fact. Anyone who did not oppose Jesus and His movement. Were considered potential friends and benefactors. This outward world view allowed Christianity to grow rapidly.

Anyone and everyone was a potential Christian. Friendship began with a simple act of kindness. It began with a single act of charity. The good others did for Christ. And His followers. Did matter!

But what good were the disciples doing? Scandal is an attitude or behavior. Which leads another to do evil.

Jesus said, “Do not scandalize one of these little ones trusting in ME. It is better that you go into eternal life deformed.” The weight of the statement was simple. Not only could sinners. The "deformed" enter the Kingdom. But the righteous. Those with "two hands." Could suffer eternal punishment! (Vv.41-43)

How has your practice of the faith challenged others? Did it invite others to join? Or, did it cause others to step away? Which is worse? To cause scandal? Or to be scandalized? Neither advance faith, only egos. Both can destroy faith and community participation. Both can lead to spiritual death.

When believers cause scandal. It is a challenge away from faith. But. When God causes scandal. It challenges us towards faith. God's "scandal" happened when He rejected His Son at the cross. There. Stretched out on wood. Jesus was cut off out of the land of the living. When the Son of God entered this world. ‘He took upon Himself all your embarrassments. All your disappointments. And regrets. All the sins you've only realized later. Much to your shock and appall.

Jesus came neither to impress you. Nor to be impressed by you. He came to save you. He took your sins as His. Suffered and died in your place. He received the punishment you deserve. So you won't.

Have you ever felt conflicted in your spiritual life? Gone from great to little. From high to low?  Behold His cross. And understand. He knows your every sorrow. And see. He has taken it all away. All away to His grave. He died for everything that pains you. For on the third day. He rose victorious from it all.

In the glory of this His resurrection. He declares and pronounces. That you are righteous before God's heavenly throne. That your sins are forgiven. That the gates of heaven are now opened to you. You are forgiven.’[2]

Jesus wanted an increase in faith. Not scandal. So place your focus on Christ. More of Him. And less of you. Trust not in your own merits. Your own strength.

Your own understanding. Instead. Place your trust and confidence in Jesus. He bore the scandal of the cross. To give you both. A hope and a future.

Passive Sentences-5%
Reading Level-3.4
Readability -80.7%

[1] Luther’s Seal © Ed Riojas, Higher Things

[2] Pr Tim Daub Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Heckla, SD “What Jesus says, Happens” 1.21.2018


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