Saturday, February 1, 2020


We are now in the midst of Epiphany. Among the principal themes of the season are: the revelation of Christ to all nations, and Christ as the light of the world. 

The colors of the season are white (a color associated with the festivals of Christ suggesting gladness, joy and light for the day of Epiphany), used the first week after the Epiphany when the Baptism of our Lord is celebrated, and the last week of the season of Epiphany when the Transfiguration of our Lord is celebrated. 

Green is used in the season of Epiphany beginning with the second week after the Epiphany until the week before the Transfiguration of our Lord is celebrated. The color green, reminiscent of living plants suggests spiritual growth.

Although we are in the midst of winter slowly, gradually, bit by bit, little by little the days are getting longer. Epiphany is the season of light. Light shows and reveals. The light burns that all might see the truth and the way to God. This is an excellent time to tell the good news of Jesus the light of the world, and the spreading of the light of Christ in a dark world. Christ is the light. Christians reflect that light in this world.

The light of Christ knows no end. It goes to the ends of the earth. Jesus is the light to enlighten the Gentiles. This light of Christ not only shines on you but through your witness the light and love of Jesus is lived out in the lives of those who bear His name. During the Epiphany season  we see the light of God in Jesus.

Throughout this season the light of God’s glory is seen increasingly in Jesus until the Transfiguration when his clothes and face are as bright as the sun. Light, to be light, must give, expend, and finally die to self. At the end of the Epiphany season we see the light of Christ at its brightest, but it burns itself out on the cross, only to be re-kindled on Easter. 

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