Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Commemoration of Isaiah

Isaiah, mighty seer in days of old,
The Lord of all in spirit did behold
High on a lofty throne, in splendor bright.
With robes that filled the temple courts with light.
Above the throne were flaming seraphim;
Six wings had they, these messengers of Him.
With two they veiled their faces as was right,
With two they humbly hid their feet from sight.
And with the other two aloft they soared;
One to the other called and praised the Lord:
"Holy is God, the Lord of Sabaoth!
Holy is God the Lord of Sabaoth!
Holy is God the Lord of  Sabaoth!
His glory fills the heavens and the earth!"
The beams and lintels trembled at the cry,
And clouds of smoke en-wrapped the throne on high.

Isaiah, Mighty Seer in Days of Old - Lutheran Service Book #960 © 2006 Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis

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