Saturday, April 18, 2015

Easter 3

Easter 3
19 April 2015
Luke 24:36-49
Too good to be true

O God, through the humiliation of Your Son You raised up the fallen world. Grant to Your faithful people, rescued from the perils of everlasting death, perpetual gladness and eternal joys;

The night of the first Easter. When the disciples saw Jesus. They experience – surprise and fright. Which turned into joy. It was almost too good to believe! “It seemed too good to be true!” But it was true. And He gave them this instruction – what is good and true must be told.

It seemed too good to be true. The reports were coming in. Sin and death had not conquered. “the Lord has risen indeed!” Jesus appeared to the disciples in the room. Joy and doubt clashed. Our reaction too is both awe and joy. It seems too good to be true. Despite our sin. God offers forgiveness. And life. Through His Son Jesus.

It is good. Because it is true.   It is not a human plan of salvation. Human efforts reject Christ. (Acts 4:11) Because of self-righteousness. And deceit. And they have no truth. (1 John 1:8) It has always been God’s plan. Revealed already to the Old Testament faithful. (Luke 24:44) It is fulfilled in Christ. (v.46) He is the Truth of God’s salvation. It is good. Because it calls for us to repent. And offers the truth of God’s forgiveness. (v.47) Thus, we become right before God. (1 John 1:9)

It is truth. That is good for others. God desires that His salvation be proclaimed to all nations. (Luke 24:47) Repentance and forgiveness will restore people. From the darkness of sin. To the goodness of God’s light. (1 John 1:5-7) The people of God are witnesses. To the power of Christ’s death and resurrection. (Luke 24:48) All of us can share Christ in our daily testimony to others. The Holy Spirit gives us power to tell what is true. And what is good. (vs.49)

God’s salvation is never “too good to be true.” It is utterly good. It is utterly true. You can tell the world. So that all people can experience its truth and goodness.
Words –370
Passive Sentences –8%
Readability –85%

Reading Level -2.8

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