Sunday, May 27, 2012

Time in the Word - Trinity

Time in the Word
28 May - 2 June 2012
Preparation for next week, The Feast of the Holy Trinity

On Trinity Sunday, we make special note of the work of all three persons of the Trinity is procuring and assuring our salvation. A good supplemental reading to the readings for the day is to be found in St. Paul’s epistle to the Ephesians, verses 3–11 of the first chapter. Paul explains how the Father chose us in eternity and predestined us for salvation. The work of redemption was accomplished through the shedding of blood—the blood of the Son of God, who assumed flesh, that He might redeem us. The Holy Spirit has brought us the Word of truth, the Gospel of our salvation, that we might trust in the merits of Christ. Blessed be the Holy Trinity and the undivided Unity. Let us give glory to Him because He has shown his mercy to us. (from Sunday’s Introit)

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen. (Ephesians 3:20–21)

Prayer for blessing on the Word: Lord Jesus Christ, giver and perfecter of our faith, we thank and praise You for continuing among us the preaching of Your Gospel for our instruction and edification. Send Your blessing upon the Word, which has been spoken to us, and by Your Holy Spirit increase our saving knowledge of You, that day by day we may be strengthened in the divine truth and remain steadfast in Your grace. Give us strength to fight the good fight and by faith to overcome all the temptations of Satan, the flesh, and the world so that we may finally receive the salvation of our souls; for You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Prayer for those outside the Church: Almighty and everlasting God, You desire not the death of a sinner but that all would repent and live. Hear our prayers for those outside the Church. Take away their iniquity, and turn them from their false gods to You, the living and true God. Gather them into Your holy Church to the glory of Your name; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for seasonable weather: Lord God, gracious and merciful Father, because You have promised that You will hear us when we bring You our cares, we implore You not to deal with us according to our sins but according to Your mercy. Send seasonable weather so that in due time the earth may yield her increase. Remind us ever to receive with thanks our daily bread, trusting You as our gracious God; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for the aged: Almighty God and gracious Father, in Your mercy look on those whose increasing years bring them weakness, anxiety, distress, or loneliness. Grant that they may always know care and respect, concern and understanding. Grant them willing hearts to accept help and, as their strength wanes, increase their faith with the constant assurance of Your love through Jesus Christ, their Savior. Amen.

Prayer for industry and commerce: Lord Jesus Christ, as once You shared in our human toil and thus hallowed the work of our hands, bless and prosper those who maintain the industries and service sectors of this land. Give them a right regard for their labors, and grant them the just reward for their work that they may find joy in serving You and in supplying our needs; for You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Prayers from Lutheran Service Book © 2006 Concordia Publishing House.

Monday, 28 May 2012Psalm 16:8–11; Antiphon, Liturgical Text—The antiphon for Sunday’s Introit is an ancient liturgical text: Blessed be the Holy Trinity and the undivided Unity. Let us give glory to him because he has shown his mercy to us. The Triune God has first shown His mercy to us in providing for our salvation, and our response is to give glory to Him.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012Psalm 29—This psalm is a hymn of praise to the Lord for all His mighty acts, but especially His mercy in blessing His people with peace. When created, man was in perfect harmony with God. But the Fall made us His enemies. We cannot restore peace with God; it is the work of the Holy Trinity alone: the Father, who conceived the plan of our salvation, the Son, who came to earth and died for our transgressions, and the Holy Spirit, who brings us into a right relationship with God through the Means of Grace, Word and Sacrament.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012Isaiah 6:1–8—Isaiah received a vision of the Lord enthroned in His majesty and a call to be a prophet of God. Because he is a Son of Adam, and therefore a man of unclean lips, Isaiah is terrified to be in the Lord’s presence, for it spells doom to those under sin’s curse. But an angel sent by God absolves Isaiah of his sin with a burning coal, and Isaiah accepts the mantle of prophecy. We, like Isaiah, must acknowledge our sin and tremble before a holy God. But we must also trust in the absolution won by the Son of God and pronounced by His called and ordained servants.

Thursday, 31 May 2012Acts 2:14a, 22–36—On the Day of Pentecost, Peter was given power by the Holy Spirit to preach the Word of God faithfully and authoritatively. He proclaims Christ crucified for the forgiveness of sins and the redemption of sinners, and tells his audience, men of Israel, how the Old Testament prophecies are fulfilled in Jesus of Nazareth, the promised Messiah. Here, he quotes Psalm 16, a portion of which serves as the Introit for Sunday.

Friday, 1 June 2012John 3:1–17—Another man of Israel, Nicodemus, came to Jesus by night, probably because he feared his fellow Pharisees. He had seen the signs (miracles) that Jesus was able to do, and knew that such a one must have been sent by God. Jesus tells Nicodemus how to be born from above, in Holy Baptism, the washing of water with the Word of God. He also points to His own death, again in fulfillment of the Old Testament Scriptures. As God showed His love to a rebellious, yet repentant people in providing the bronze serpent in the wilderness (Numbers 21:4–9), so He shows His love by providing His Son, to take away a problem far worse than snake bites, which kill only the body: Jesus Christ, lifted up on the cross, takes away the sin of the world.

Saturday, 2 June 2012—Sunday’s hymn of the day, God Loved the World So That He Gave (LSB 571) is John 3:16 set to music. Herein is the sweet Gospel clearly proclaimed: Christ Jesus saves your soul from death; That is the firmest ground of faith. The final stanza rightly praises all three persons of the Trinity for their work in accomplishing our salvation.

Collect for Trinity SundayAlmighty and everlasting God, You have given us grace to acknowledge the glory of the eternal Trinity by the confession of a true faith and to worship the Unity in the power of the Divine Majesty. Keep us steadfast in this faith and defend us from all adversities; for You, O Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, live and reign, one God, now and forever. Amen.

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