Following are the notes I received as they came to me...
Hey Pastor, I am thankful for my mom, dad, and sister so technically my whole family I am thankful for.
God’s blessings are really too numerous to mention but here are some I’m thankful for this year…
Jesus my Savior and Brother
The Bible
Our congregation
Our freedoms – of religion, from fear, to worship as we please
Our president and our country
Good weather crops, rain and sunshine, snow
Loving and caring family and friends
Good health and happiness
Wyneken School, good teachers
Good neighbors
A new home
I am very thankful for God, and all His creation.
I am thankful that I live in the U. S. A. and not another country that has a lot of poverty and a low literacy rate.
I am thankful that I have family and friends that love and support me in everything I do.
I am thankful for my dad taking me hunting
I’m thankful for my health.
My husband of 30 years. Knowing now more than before what a blessing I had for parents, the parents I now have because of marriage, my children, my children’s spouses, my grandson, my health, an awesome family who all come together when needed in good times and bad. A job, and last but not least an awesome church family of Friedheim.
I like this list!
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