1. He went to sleep.
2. He read from the Bible.
3. He was tempted by the devil.
4. He obeyed his parents.
5. He told John to baptize him.
6. He rode on a young colt.
7. He took our place and obeyed all the 10 Commandments.
8. He suffered and died in our place to pay for all our sin.
There were things Jesus did that showed He was God to be our Savior.
1. He turned water into wine.
2. He made a girl alive again.
3. He healed a man who could not walk.
4. He healed a man who could not talk or hear.
5. He told the devil to get lost.
6. He fed 5,000 people at once.
7. He forgave the sins of a bad woman.
8. He calmed the seas.
9. He accepted praise and worship from the people.
10. He knew Peter would deny Him three times before it happened.
11. He had the power to be greater than the devil and destroy him.
12. He overcame death and became alive again.
Jesus had to be a man to be our Savior
1. Jesus had to be a man so He could take our place and obey all of God’s Laws, the Ten Commandments.
2. Jesus had to be a man so He could suffer and die in our place to pay for all our sin. He became our substitute.

Jesus had to be God to be our Savior
1. Jesus had to be God so He had the power to be greater than the devil.
1. Jesus had to be God so He had the power to be greater than the devil.

2. Jesus had to be God so He could overcome death and became alive again.

Dear Jesus,
We know You are indeed our mighty God. Thank You for loving us and becoming one of us so that You could take our sins upon Yourself. Now we know we will always belong to You because You are our Savior. Amen
We know You are indeed our mighty God. Thank You for loving us and becoming one of us so that You could take our sins upon Yourself. Now we know we will always belong to You because You are our Savior. Amen
Schnorr von Carolsfeld, woodcuts © WELS Permission to use these copyrighted items is limited to personal and congregational use.
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