The disciples of Jesus were given a wonderful word of promise from Jesus. The Holy Spirit would come with His abiding presence and help. Even though Jesus’ visible presence has been removed by His ascension, invisibly Jesus continues to be with and among us. This brings us both peace and joy.
1. There is joy in the fulfillment of God’s prophesies in the Old Testament.
A. The Messianic prophesies of the Old Testament are fulfilled.
1. “It stands written” is the formula introducing God’s unalterable agreement.
2. The whole Old Testament bears witness to Christ.
B. “It was necessary.”
1. The Scriptures must be fulfilled.
2. “It pleased God to bruise Him” was God’s decree about Christ’s suffering, death and resurrection.
3. Jesus opens the minds of the disciples to understand – here merelyh as intellectual comprehension.
2. There is joy in the call to purpose and significant service.
A. “You will be witnesses of these things.”
1. They witnessed the “what” and the “why” of the suffering, dying and rising again of
2. They were to carry on the work of Christ (this command is in the “constant present”) until Christ’s coming again.
3. They were to begin in Jerusalem and go out into all the world.
B. They proclaimed repentance and forgiveness in His name.
1. True repentance involves two things.
a. First come sorrow and contrition.
b. Then follows faith, which trusts the promise of God’s forgiveness.
2. It is proclaimed “in His name”
a. Today is the 200th Birthday of F. C. D. Wyneken - the Father of American missions.
b. The mission zeal which drove him is our legacy as we continue to share Christ proclaiming Christ and His name.
3. There is joy in the blessing that found response in joyful worship.
A. They receive the blessing of Christ, not the least of which was the promise of His abiding presence. “I am with you always” – Matthew 28:20
B. Their worship in the temple anticipates their joy of worship in heaven.
The Ascension joy is also available to us in the same way and on the same terms. God has promised, called, and blessed us. We in that blessing respond in joyful service and worship until in Christ’s coming again we are taken “so that where He is we may be also” – in heaven where we shall serve and worship our God in the fullness of joy that knows no end.
1. There is joy in the fulfillment of God’s prophesies in the Old Testament.
A. The Messianic prophesies of the Old Testament are fulfilled.
1. “It stands written” is the formula introducing God’s unalterable agreement.
2. The whole Old Testament bears witness to Christ.
B. “It was necessary.”
1. The Scriptures must be fulfilled.
2. “It pleased God to bruise Him” was God’s decree about Christ’s suffering, death and resurrection.
3. Jesus opens the minds of the disciples to understand – here merelyh as intellectual comprehension.
2. There is joy in the call to purpose and significant service.
A. “You will be witnesses of these things.”
1. They witnessed the “what” and the “why” of the suffering, dying and rising again of
2. They were to carry on the work of Christ (this command is in the “constant present”) until Christ’s coming again.
3. They were to begin in Jerusalem and go out into all the world.
B. They proclaimed repentance and forgiveness in His name.
1. True repentance involves two things.
a. First come sorrow and contrition.
b. Then follows faith, which trusts the promise of God’s forgiveness.
2. It is proclaimed “in His name”
a. Today is the 200th Birthday of F. C. D. Wyneken - the Father of American missions.
b. The mission zeal which drove him is our legacy as we continue to share Christ proclaiming Christ and His name.
3. There is joy in the blessing that found response in joyful worship.
A. They receive the blessing of Christ, not the least of which was the promise of His abiding presence. “I am with you always” – Matthew 28:20
B. Their worship in the temple anticipates their joy of worship in heaven.
The Ascension joy is also available to us in the same way and on the same terms. God has promised, called, and blessed us. We in that blessing respond in joyful service and worship until in Christ’s coming again we are taken “so that where He is we may be also” – in heaven where we shall serve and worship our God in the fullness of joy that knows no end.
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