Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Mid-week Lent #6

Mid-Week Lent 6
March 28, 2007
Zachariah 9:9-10
The Savior leads in times of opportunity

INTRODUCTION: What sort of king do we want to rule over us? Twenty-eight years ago; in the year 1979 the people of Iran banished the Shah for an Islamic holy man. Are we content with the ruler of our lives? Who shall govern us in the years to come? Although the next national election is a year and a half away people still ask – who shall lead us? As we close out our mid-week Lenten meditations we need to ask this pressing question - who then shall lead us? 

On Palm Sunday came to lead His people. There He was hailed as Lord and King. Yet His popularity would last but a season. By the end of the week He would be tortured and killed.

1. Your King comes to you humbly – “humble and riding on an ass” -  

The Messiah comes on an ass, not on a mighty horse. As ass is a humble animal and symbolizes peace. The ass carried the Christ to the people.

Today He gives us opportunity to be a witness; as we observe the Savior’s Passion He gives us an excellent opportunity to tell our friends and neighbors “we are eye-witnesses of these things”   

2. A victorious king – “triumphant and victorious is He” –

Here is a “sacramental” view of God’s dealing with us. We do not come to the King. To the contrary, the King comes to us to bless us. We do not “decide” to follow Christ – Christ decides for us. We do not choose Christ – Christ chooses us. God initiates the act of grace.  He bids us to come – thus He gives us the opportunity to be received into His eternal kingdom. The Lord’s greatest triumph was in His death – His victory came in the scandal of the cross.

3. A peaceful king – “he shall command peace to the nations” –

Holy Week with its horrors and tragedies begins this Sunday – Palm Sunday – with a shout of joy – “Rejoice”…”Shout aloud for your King comes to you!

Even in the depth of pain and gore there is joy. Jesus endured the cross for joy that was set before Him. The joy is that the Savior came to die for me and my sins – to assume kingship over our lives.

CONCLUSION:  Our Savior leads in times of opportunity – This night He has given us the opportunity to hail Him as Lord and King. This is cause for loud rejoicing.  

In fulfilling the prophet Zechariah’s foretelling of the coming Holy One of God Jesus rides into Jerusalem on an ass and presents Himself to the nation as their king to the waving of palms and to the tune of hosannas. Tonight is an opportunity to rejoice as the Lord’s holy one comes to us.

+ Soli Deo Gloria +

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