Sunday, May 31, 2015

Time in the Word - Proper 5

Time in the Word
1- 6 June 2015
Preparation for next week, The Time of the Church Year Proper 5

Collect for Proper 5 (June 5-11) – Almighty and eternal God, Your Son Jesus triumphed over the prince of demons and freed us from bondage to sin. Help us to stand firm against every assault of Satan, and enable us always to do Your will; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and forever.
Monday, 1 June 2015Psalm 8:7-9;Antiphon, Psalm 28:2—The antiphon for Sunday’s Introit is a cry for the Lord’s intervention in our lives. “Hear my cry for mercy as I call to You for help, as I lift up my hands, toward Your Most Holy Place.” The Most Holy Place was the inner sanctuary of the temple, where the ark of the covenant stood. It was God’s throne room on earth. David desired the Lord’s presence. In worship, God comes to us through His Word and in His meal to strengthen, comfort, and support us.    

Tuesday, 2 June 2015Psalm 130—This psalm is a testimony of trusting in God especially in trying times. The Psalmist begins, “Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord; Lord, hear my voice…” David knew he was a sinner, and yet the Lord hears his cry out of the depths of his predicament. In difficult times we turn to Him who knows our situation and in mercy has redeemed and saved us. This psalm consists of a cry from a person with heaviness of heart, presumably because of sin, who begs God to lift him above himself, his sin, and his troubles.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015— Genesis 3:8-15— God calls Adam to account for his sin. Here we see the consequences of the fall into sin. When god confronts Adam, he flees and hides because of his fear of God. He realizes He is naked, which is considered an abomination. This results in his sense of shame. When god asks for an explanation of his sin, both Adam and Eve blame others.

Sin may be forgiven but punishment goes with sin. “the ages of sin is death.” No one escapes the penalty of doing wring. God’s justice demands satisfaction. The Father is satisfied because of the death of His own Son.

What excuse or what explanation do we have for our disobedience/ Adam sins again by refusing to admit his guilt. He blames Eve. Eve blames the serpent. It is s common expression in our day too, “I have done no wrong.”

Thursday, 4 June 20152 Corinthians 4:13-5:1—Christians have the hope of eternal life with Christ. Paul continues to discuss his ministry. Though he is an earthen vessel, he continues to speak because he believes. He is convinced that the Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead will also raise him and all believers so that they all will stand in the presence of God through His grace. This results in thanksgiving and glory to God. He continues his ministry even though he is wearing out physically.

But, spiritually he never grows old. And when this physical body comes to an end, God will give him a new, spiritual body.

Paul can never get away from “grace.” It is God’s forgiving love that forgives sin, cleanses the soul, and justifies the sinner. Thus grace causes us to be thankful and to persist, regardless of adversities.

Friday, 5 June 2015Mark 3:20-35— The only unforgivable sin is blaspheming against the Holy Spirit. The first and last sections of this reading deal with Jesus’ family. Between the two is Jesus controversy with the scribes who accuse Him of being possessed by and being an instrument of the devil Jesus’ family considers Him crazy and the scribes consider Him “possessed.” After dealing with the scribes, we are taken back to His family which comes for Him. Jesus explains that His family is not one of blood relationship but those who do the will of god. Both family and religious leaders misunderstand Jesus. To accuse Jesus of having an evil spirit is to commit the unpardonable sin. It is a sin of failing to see in Jesus the presence of the Holy Spirit, who gives Him power and authority to case out demons. Those who do God’s will have a spirit akin to His.

The word “never” is a hard word. One who sins against the Holy Spirit can “never” get forgiveness. The sin is to claim that Jesus hs an evil spirit. If He does, then the sinner will never repent and come to Jesus for forgiveness. He/she is sure that he/she has done no wrong. Jesus is the one who is wrong. Because of this delusion, a person can never be forgiven. This person is never forgiven because he/she never comes to Christ to be forgiven.  

Saturday, 6 June 2015— Ephesians 6:10-18 -Sunday’s hymn of the day, Rise! To Arms! With employ you. (LSB 668)  Human effort is inadequate. Yet God’s power is invincible. Thus the warning, we do not last out against human opponents as though they were the real enemy. Nor can we assume that the battle can be fought using merely human resources. We battle against dark evil forces. Thus we arm ourselves with the Gospel and it is Christ, our champion who battles for us in the war against temptation, doubt, the devil and our own sinful self.

Prayer for blessing on the Word: Lord Jesus Christ, giver and perfecter of our faith, we thank and praise You for continuing among us the preaching of Your Gospel for our instruction and edification. Send Your blessing upon the Word, which has been spoken to us, and by Your Holy Spirit increase our saving knowledge of You, that day by day we may be strengthened in the divine truth and remain steadfast in Your grace. Give us strength to fight the good fight and by faith to overcome all the temptations of Satan, the flesh, and the world so that we may finally receive the salvation of our souls; for You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Prayer for those outside the Church: Almighty and everlasting God, You desire not the death of a sinner but that all would repent and live. Hear our prayers for those outside the Church. Take away their iniquity, and turn them from their false gods to You, the living and true God. Gather them into Your holy Church to the glory of Your name; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for seasonable weather: Lord God, gracious and merciful Father, because You have promised that You will hear us when we bring You our cares, we implore You not to deal with us according to our sins but according to Your mercy. Send seasonable weather so that in due time the earth may yield her increase. Remind us ever to receive with thanks our daily bread, trusting You as our gracious God; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for the aged: Almighty God and gracious Father, in Your mercy look on those whose increasing years bring them weakness, anxiety, distress, or loneliness. Grant that they may always know care and respect, concern and understanding. Grant them willing hearts to accept help and, as their strength wanes, increase their faith with the constant assurance of Your love through Jesus Christ, their Savior. Amen.

Prayers from Lutheran Service Book © 2006 Concordia Publishing House.
Image © Ed Rioja Higher Things
Lectionary Preaching Workbook Series B John Brokhoff © 1981 CSS Publishing, Lima, OH

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